biblical christards are hypocrites
Betcha didn't know that something can be Biblical yet not Christian. Confused? You should be!
So generalized again This is another proof you are a double standard hypocrite christard who doesn't practice what you preach or being selective in practising So can you share what is the something can be biblical yet not christian?
Most of your posts showed you are very confused about your own cult, fake eunuch
Explain so much you also won't understand.
One more reason to add
Hmmm....really? Let me see your documentary evidence that this was indeed true, and that it was due to what the Bible teaches. Hate to call your bluff again and again but abysmally ignorant atheists like you must be exposed again and again.
The onus is on you to proof Thomas Jefferson is bluffing. Those are historical facts.
I have already proofed you are a big hypocrite under a sheep skin. And your ignorant of bible is abysmally, remember what you said about circumcision and marriage between closed relatives in the OT? Are they correct? whahhahahaha.
I could easily surfaced my old posts and the threads from other brothers to further backup Thomas Jefferson's claims, but I think not point and you also lack the ability to understand because you lack of knowledge in church history is amazing You already concluded, still asking for documental evidence, wtf hypocrite. You should be called hypo-foodo...
"If a man really believes that God once upheld slavery; that he commanded soldiers to kill women and babes; that he believed in polygamy; that he persecuted for opinion's sake; that he will punish forever, and that he hates an unbeliever, the effect in my judgment will be bad. It always has been bad. This belief built the dungeons of the Inquisition. This belief made the Puritan murder the Quaker."
Robert Ingersoll
If those are really historical facts then it shouldn't be that difficult for you to produce the documentary evidence. Of course we both know very well that you can't.
Surface old posts? Sure, all village atheists can do is to regurgitate the same old hogwash anti-Christian claims made by other village atheists and think they have successfully proved Christianity to be false. It's the atheist delusion.
History don't lies and I do have the facts on hand. If Perspective were to request me again, I surely can because I never failed him whenever he requested me to show him materials But for a hypocrite who can't or unable to produce backup himself, yet have the thick skin to chase other people, the treatment is different.
You are a confirmed hypocrite + fool :p
“More people have been slaughtered in the name of religion than for any other single reason. That, my friends, that is true perversion.”
-Harvey Milk
Explain so much you also won't understand.