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Two sides of Singapore
Ladies and gentlemen of the world, many of you have told the good people in SG that you wished you you were born and live in SG.
You long for the governance, national leadership n government in our country.
Tragically, like your country, we have our fair share of weirdos.
We call them oppies. They condemn every policy and initiative and see everything as bad in SG.
My regular posting is to highlight that we have a wonderful team of national leaders and government that work with good people (not oppies) to build up a beautiful SG.
They helped SG impressed credible, objective and competent expert judges to
win international
awards, accolades and achievements.
Unfortunately, oppies think that these results mean nothing and
did not happen because we have good national leaders and a good government.
By some miraculous quirk of fate, the bolts and nuts came together and then - Abracadabra! - it happened.
These oppies will condemn SG on FB n other social media for the whole world to think badly of SG.
1. These oppies are failures and losers in life. They blame the gahmen and everybody else except themselves.
2. They think that by overthrowing the government, they can install cheap leaders.
Leaders who offer them sweet talks. Lots of freebies. And their life will then become perfect.
Sounds like the populist and Machiavellian politicians in your country, right?
3. Once the government is overthrown, oppies will form a coalition government just like most developed democratic country.
Their line up of ministers includes 83-year old Dr Tan Cheng Bock, Amos Yee, Han Hui Hui, M. Ravi, Raeesah Khan, Roy Ngerng, Leong Mun Wai, Chee Soon Juan, Goh Meng Seng, Kenneth Jeyaretnam and Charles Yeo.
Not much choices but that’s all there is. The rest have indicated they have no ambition to form the next government.
The new oppies’ government will miraculously lower taxes, and offer cheaper food, transportation, housing, education, and healthcare services. It can achieve what no other governments in the world can achieve.
Pappies are so stupid they can’t do it, or they choose to torture and torment Singaporeans.
4. Oppies’ parties are known to have infighting n squabbles. That’s democracy to them.
Some have exercised poor governance n misused public funds. Lied or told half truths in parliament.
5. Oppies cannot understand that most politicians all over the world will promise the sky but they won’t deliver.
6. Oppies should have the guts to leave SG instead of becoming a pest and a parasite, and constantly sucking taxpayers’ resources. If oppies leave, SG will be a much much better place.
Unfortunately, no country wants them.
7. Oppies have no guts but to hide behind avatars and throw m&d and poison at our national leaders and system.
8. Oppies think that by condemning SG’s national leaders and government, they are heroic, honest, brave, courageous n smart. Those who gentrify SG systems are just “carrying” the authorities.
Don’t laugh, it’s true.
9. There’s another pathetic group of oppies who genuinely believe that by condemning the national leaders and government, they’re being constructive.
They will never know how destructive they are to SG n to our people.
10. Even more tragic, many of these oppies are paid for in cash or in kind to work for SG’s competitors.
Every country has its fair share of competitors and traitors, betrayers and double crossers working for the competitors.
Oppies psycho n manipulate others to join them to do their dirty job - Free Of Charge.
These are the really stupid ones who post second hand negative info n you can find them in the comment section.
In summary, want to know how great SG is?
Read my postings about SG’s wonderful achievements in the past, present n future.
Want to be negative n pessimistic? Read oppies’ sites n comments.
Which side of SG do you prefer?