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Chinese hero with same surname as Gan Eng Seng fought barbarian invaders and scolded An Lushan until his last moments




so your surname is gan and not gin? like gan ni na or gan ni nau hia?
You are caught coward liar thief slanderer harasser. I said same surname as my hero Gan Eng Seng ok. Why don’t you post my name and stolen photos here then I confirm.


An Lushan the Persian turkic bastard got the cheek to accuse this Chinese hero Yan Gaoqing a traitor for not supporting him in his rebellion against Tang dynasty and this Chinese hero Yan Gaoqing said his loyalty is to Tang Dynasty not to a thief! Said An Lushan was an evil ingrate thief - a shepherd treated well and promoted to army general by Tang emperor and yet betrayed Tang Dynasty.


Barbarian bastard An Lushan was angered and executed this Chinese hero Yan Gaoqing and 30 plus family members by chopping their hands and legs etc until they died live mutilation of body. Except one son who was away escaped. And this Chinese hero despite live mutilation of his body cutting off his tongue hands etc did not stop scolding An Lushan until his last breath.


Barbarian bastard An Lushan was angered and executed this Chinese hero Yan Gaoqing and 30 plus family members by chopping their hands and legs etc until they died live mutilation of body. Except one son who was away escaped. And this Chinese hero despite live mutilation of his body cutting off his tongue hands etc did not stop scolding An Lushan until his last breath.
High class or not? Hero or not? Should put all the Chinese traitor dogs to shame indeed.


Same surname as my hero Gan Eng Seng. Some Chinese are just higher class than others.
Unfortunately such high class Chinese heroes are always the exception rather than the norm and always sabotaged to death by the many proud Chinese traitor dogs around.


This Chinese hero Yan killed one rebel leader and two rebel soldiers and asked his son to bring their heads to Xi’an. But the credit was stolen by Chinese traitor dog Wang Chengye that was supposed to join Yan Gaoqing to fight An Lushan. But instead Wang not only steal the credit by detaining the son and telling lies that the heads are his work but more importantly did not do his part at all to send reinforcements to help Yan fight the An Lushan rebellion army that came from both sides. So Yan was trapped in his town with no reinforcement no supplies and thus captured by An Lushan eventually.
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This Chinese hero Yan killed one rebel leader and two rebel soldiers and asked his son to bring their heads to Xi’an. But the credit was stolen by Chinese traitor dog Wang Chengye that was supposed to join Yan Gaoqing to fight An Lushan. But instead Wang not only steal the credit by detaining the son and telling lies that the heads are his work but more importantly did not do his part at all to send reinforcements to help Yan fight the An Lushan rebellion army that came from both sides. So Yan was trapped in his town with no reinforcement no supplies and thus captured by An Lushan eventually.
Seriously who wants to be a good Chinese hero stolen credit and sabotaged to death by Chinese traitor dogs?


Seriously who wants to be a good Chinese hero stolen credit and sabotaged to death by Chinese traitor dogs?

No wonder from Tang Dynasty to Jap WW2 to now more and more Chinese traitor dogs. All the good Chinese heroes get killed or silenced or maligned. The bad ones thrive and called themselves winner, clever and smart.


No wonder from Tang Dynasty to Jap WW2 to now more and more Chinese traitor dogs. All the good Chinese heroes get killed or silenced or maligned. The bad ones thrive and called themselves winner, clever and smart.
Just like me good Chinese hero get maligned by ccb Malaysian Chinese and sinkie traitor dogs as slut whore mistress.


No wonder from Tang Dynasty to Jap WW2 to now more and more Chinese traitor dogs. All the good Chinese heroes get killed or silenced or maligned. The bad ones thrive and called themselves winner, clever and smart.
Seriously I don’t even want to be a chinese in my next life. Because I am good Chinese hero not willing to die saving Chinese traitor dogs.


No wonder from Tang Dynasty to Jap WW2 to now more and more Chinese traitor dogs. All the good Chinese heroes get killed or silenced or maligned. The bad ones thrive and called themselves winner, clever and smart.
Remember no matter how clever and smart winner you Chinese traitor dogs are harming fellow Chinese, you are just traitor dogs 走狗汉奸!


Same surname as my hero Gan Eng Seng. Some Chinese are just higher class than others.
While other Chinese are low class bastards and bitches ganging up with barbarians and filthy Indians attacking fellow Chinese women as whores and calling themselves winner, smart and clever for that.


Barbarian bastard An Lushan was angered and executed this Chinese hero Yan Gaoqing and 30 plus family members by chopping their hands and legs etc until they died live mutilation of body. Except one son who was away escaped. And this Chinese hero despite live mutilation of his body cutting off his tongue hands etc did not stop scolding An Lushan until his last breath.
It is so surreal indeed this man is totally in the same league as me scolding barbarian evil ingrate bastard until his last breath - exactly like what I said before I will do be in this forum scolding and exposing ccb Malaysian criminals until I die - and I did not know about him until two days ago. All high class people are the same indeed. Just like all the bastards are the same: coward thieves slanderers harassers criminal bullies.