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Chinese Basketball Association website hacked by “Japanese”
Key | November 8th, 2012
The following is guest post by Philip via MarketingToChina.comThe website of Chinese Basketball Association was hacked in the night of Nov. 6, Beijing time (GMT +8). On the front page of the website there appeared a notice in Japanese as shown in the following. The rough translation is “Diaoyu Islands owner is Japan, Chinese are China pigs, Japanese technology the best”.
The news about Chinese Basketball Association (CBA) website hacked has aroused an extensive discussion of discussion online. Some people criticized, even cursed Japanese hackers.
Japanese “dogs” are so “man of character”, putting their national flag with that of US
Japanese “dogs” are so “man of character”, putting their national flag with that of US
It’s a shame I’m no hacker, cannot hack Japanese site
.It’s a shame I’m no hacker, cannot hack Japanese site
However, they are only a small part of the netizens. Because some netizens discovered some suspicious facts:
1. there are so many basic grammar mistakes in the notice that only Chinese can understand that such as the simplified Chinese characters. (in Japanese, there are some words the same as traditional Chinese characters, but in this notice there were only simplified Chinese characters)
2. Japanese government called the disputed islands “Senkaku Islands”, not “Diaoyu Islands” which is used by Chinese government.
3. The US national flag is just gliding the lily. If Japanese hacker really wants to hack the CBA website to claim the Japanese sovereignty on the islands, what the need to put a US national flag?
Based on those facts, most Chinese netizens focused more on who the real hacker is and waiting the truth.
the IQ of the hacker has serious problem, he just hacked himself!
the IQ of the hacker has serious problem, he just hacked himself!
@千夜senya: 用百度翻译翻的吧,连谷歌翻译都不如
He must use Baidu translation, even worse than Google translation
He must use Baidu translation, even worse than Google translation
@ ChriSxRedfielD:中国篮协网被黑。目测自黑
CBA site hacked, from my observation, it’s hacked by someone from ourselves
Chinese hackers also show their suspect on this case, as they comment on the forum for Chinese hackers: cnhonkerarmyCBA site hacked, from my observation, it’s hacked by someone from ourselves
@hzk2006: 唉 一看就是个蹩脚的新, 哈哈
He must be a clumsy new fish, lol
@千夜senya: 日本人怎么会说钓鱼岛,这连谷歌翻译都不如吧?
Why would a Japanese say Diaoyu Islands (instead of Senkaku Islands), that’s worse than Google translation.
Why would a Japanese say Diaoyu Islands (instead of Senkaku Islands), that’s worse than Google translation.