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a lot of elites follow KMT retreat to taiwan when they were defeated by the communists. they still teach and pass on the values and traditions of Chinese culture.
May be the Chinese and Indians should be ashamed of themselves as they really fare very badly considering that their combined population is one-third of mankind. On the other hand the Jews comprise 0.2% of world population have made significant contributions in a broad range of human endeavors including the sciences, arts, business and politics. Jews accounted for over 20% of all Nobel Prize winners.
The Chinese are well known for their intelligence and willing to work hard. What is lacking is that the Chinese people are not creative and innovative enough. As a result China is not on the cutting edge of trends or developments that are changing the world whereas America is.
In footballing terms, there are alot of hard working intelligent players like Steve Gerrard in China but there is no Messi with his magic...
Chinese nowadays is not Chinese hundred or thousand years ago.
they lost all the culture during culture revolution.
only the Chinese overseas have authentic Chinese culture, especially Taiwan.
Most of the chinks started businesses when they arrived in the West simply because no sane white man wanted to employ those obnoxious characters.
They ended up starting launderettes and takeaways in order to eke out a living. If that's the definition of being "business minded", then it brings new meaning to the term.
A few made it big but so have migrants from other ethnic groups. In fact, the overseas Indians in the West have proven themselves to be far more successful.
The simpsons look yellow so far i have never seen a real person with that type of color so too bad for you shit skin.
See how butt hurt you are spamming the thread.
Whether in China or India, the cultures in the motherland continue to evolve. Those sub-cultures overseas are frozen in time. As a result, overseas Chinese or Indians practise cultural customs that are decades, even a century old, whereas the customs in the motherland have evolved to something quite different. That does not mean that culture has been destroyed.
Culture is a totality of what has happened in the past and the present, the past being the root of that culture and external influences changing it for the present. In China, partly because of their limited exposure to the outside world (a controlled situation, albeit now loosening) and partly because of the collective reinforcement of the large local population, the culture that evolves is likely to be very unique to that country.
For overseas Chinese, with its smaller population, the influence of foreign cultures is relatively larger and the culture therefore develops along international lines. You can see this in the music, the fine arts and the practice of religion.
Music in China, for example, even in a modernized form somehow still retains some Chinese characteristics. Chinese music overseas is gradually losing its uniqueness, often appearing no different from Korean, Japanese or even western music.
For such a custom as a wedding ceremony, the overseas Chinese follows either the old traditional customs (the smaller the enclave, the more faithful this tradition is followed) or totally rejected for some modern equivalent like a church wedding.
In Singapore, champagne pouring onto a tower of wine glasses seems to be a new norm during the dinner celebration. That is because Singapore has a sizable Chinese population to develop its own sub-culture. On the other hand, Indian weddings here are probably more traditional than even in India itself and I am comparing the customs within cities.
The chinks in the west are only in the business of Prostitution, Delivery/wanton selling, gambling and selling drugs. In America they are even more pathetic then the Pinoys. There is a running joke, "Chinks can't live outside of Chinatown"
Median Household Income: Ethnicity Household Income
Indians $88,538[33]
Filipinos $75,146[34]
Chinese $69,037[35]
Japanese $64,197[36]
Koreans $53,025[37]
Total US Population $50,221
(25 and Older) Ethnicity -Bachelor's Degree
or Higher
Indian 71.1%
Chinese 52.4%
Filipino 48.1%
Total US Population 28.0%
And how bout the notion that the Chinese households are much more well to done then other ethnic groups in Singapore?
"Indians overtook the Chinese as the ethnic group earning the highest household income. Last year, Indian household earned a median monthly income of $5,370. This compares to $5,100 for Chinese."
Looks like there is a bunch of gooks here running on shit fumes. Well that happens when you only watch/read Chinese news and mix with your own kind, You think nothing else exist.
Wow Paikia, We Singaporeans have an Average IQ of 108 ar? Nice..
We are must more Intelligent then the average Chinese. Why is this soo? I think we got to be thankful to the British Empire and our Ang moh Education.
Shit skin what do you mean we?
It's the chinese that makes the iq so high in singapore while you have the intellect of a baboon.
Hahaha is it? Then why isnt China with 100% Chinese have a Higher IQ then Singaporeans which has a 74% Chinese make up. Lets see how well you analysis chinko.
That's so simple. China does not have a 100% chinese population you twit. It has 50 officially registered minorities in there.
China's population is so many times larger than singapore's when a population is much bigger the average is brought down compared to a smaller population. That's pretty obvious. Go ponder on that you moron.
Cool, Noted Chump.![]()
Wow Paikia, We Singaporeans have an Average IQ of 108 ar? Nice..
We are much more Intelligent then the average Chinese. Why is this soo? I think we got to be thankful to the British Empire and our Ang moh Education.
I never bluff you leh,Check this out:
Even IF our high IQ is due to whoever you have mentioned,it does not matter as long we are there!!