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China's greatest son that did not manage to become its leader.


LYK was consulted by Deng XiaoPeng and was considered the chief architecture in opening up and moderning CCP china.

Chinese today widely see him as a US Imperialism running dog.


With the passing of Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s first prime minister and one of the most influential Asian politicians, leaders and media outlets all over the world have put in their two cents on his legacy. In the Western world, analysis of his influence is generally mixed; the Washington Post, for example, led off its piece by calling Lee “the democratic world’s favorite dictator.” But in China, where Lee’s mix of authoritarian governance and economic reform proved hugely influential, reflections are far more glowing.

China’s Foreign Ministry issued a statement on March 23 saying that “the Chinese side deeply mourns the loss of Mr. Lee Kuan Yew.” The statement praised Lee as “a uniquely influential statesman in Asia and a strategist embodying oriental values and international vision.”


Alfrescian (Inf)
Kissinger's buddy is nothing more than a blowhard.




With the passing of Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s first prime minister and one of the most influential Asian politicians, leaders and media outlets all over the world have put in their two cents on his legacy. In the Western world, analysis of his influence is generally mixed; the Washington Post, for example, led off its piece by calling Lee “the democratic world’s favorite dictator.” But in China, where Lee’s mix of authoritarian governance and economic reform proved hugely influential, reflections are far more glowing.

China’s Foreign Ministry issued a statement on March 23 saying that “the Chinese side deeply mourns the loss of Mr. Lee Kuan Yew.” The statement praised Lee as “a uniquely influential statesman in Asia and a strategist embodying oriental values and international vision.”



People around the world flood in to seek the wise man wisdom De woh

Consider the toughest questions about the rise of China, the future of Asia and the impact of developments there on the U.S. Who is most qualified to have informed, insightful answers?

For people in the know, the unanimous first choice is: Lee Kuan Yew. Founding father of modern Singapore and its prime minister from 1959 to 1990, Lee Kuan Yew has served as mentor to every Chinese leader from Deng Xiaoping to Xi Jinping and as counselor to every American president from Richard Nixon to Barack Obama.

He led a small, poor, corrupt port city-state to first-world status in a single generation and knows a lot about governance. Having guided a small nation whose survival depends on staying alert and agile in adjusting to the actions of big neighbors, he has developed a well-deserved reputation as “the man who saw tomorrow.”







Given his special bond with China, after stepping down as Prime Minister of Singapore at the end of 1990, Lee Kuan Yew often shared his understanding of China with the international media and at various forums and symposiums.

Former Vice President of the United States Al Gore believed that anyone who seeks a view on China should ask Lee Kuan Yew. He said that Lee Kuan Yew, who knew the leaders in Beijing, was a man playing a critical role.
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All got photo to capture this precious historical moment of good ties between SG and China spanning over 50yrs