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[China] - Woman finds out on son's wedding day that the bride is actually her long-lost daughter


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset



Sigh..making mountains out of molehills

Woman finds out on son's wedding day that the bride is actually her long-lost daughter
Epic turn of events.

A woman's daughter-in-law turned out to be her long-lost daughter.

This curious incident unfolded during a wedding ceremony last Wednesday (March 31) in Suzhou, China.

Birthmark on her hand
According to Chinese media reports picked up by 8 World News, the woman was attending her son's wedding ceremony when she caught a glimpse of a birthmark on her daughter-in-law's hand.

The elderly woman said that this birthmark looked just like her daughter's, who was lost as a kid.

Suspecting that she might be their long-lost biological daughter, she nervously asked the in-laws: "Did you adopt this child?"

The family was shocked by this question, as it was a secret that they hadn't told anybody.

After the family confirmed the fact, the bride started crying tears of joy. She said that finding her biological parents was a more joyous occasion than marriage itself.

No issue with marriage
Oriental Daily reported that the family supposedly found the girl along the roadside over 20 years ago and took her in.

The woman, who had searched for her missing daughter for many years to no avail, later adopted a boy.

She also said she sees no issue with the marriage as they aren't biological siblings.

Top photo via Sohu

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Old Fart
So drama. Don't tell me she didn't get to meet her future daughter-in-law before the wedding? Son never brought her to meet his parents? Pfft!


Alfrescian (Inf)

Hong Kong father convicted of raping his daughter

Jury finds 61-year-old guilty of 10 charges spanning three years

A jobless father who molested his daughter every day since she was five was found guilty of rape in the High Court on Tuesday.
The defendant, who photographed some of the incidents, was unanimously convicted by a seven-person jury of all 10 charges he faced: six counts of rape and four of making child pornography of his daughter. He had earlier pleaded not guilty.
The 61-year-old man, whose name cannot be revealed to protect his daughter’s identity, is to face sentencing on May 4 pending psychological reports on the victim.
