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China wants philippine sea, philippine wants sabah sea.

syed putra


Malaysia opposes Philippines continental shelf claim​

Pia Lee-Brago - The Philippine Star

July 1, 2024 | 12:00am

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Malaysia opposes Philippines continental shelf claim

In a note verbale to UN Secretary General António Guterres on June 27, Malaysia’s permanent mission to the United Nations said Malaysia has never recognized the Philippines’ claim to Sabah.
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MANILA, Philippines — Malaysia has opposed the Philippine submission to a United Nations body to formally recognize the extent of its undersea continental shelf, saying it is projected from the baselines of Sabah.
In a note verbale to UN Secretary General António Guterres on June 27, Malaysia’s permanent mission to the United Nations said Malaysia has never recognized the Philippines’ claim to Sabah.
Malaysia requested the UN Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf not to examine and qualify the Philippines Partial Submission.

“The Government of Malaysia categorically rejects the Philippines’ Partial Submission on the basis that the Republic of the Philippines’ continental margin is projected from the baselines of the Malaysian state of Sabah.
This clearly disregards Malaysia’s indisputable sovereignty over the state of Sabah,” the mission said.

The mission said Sabah has always been an integral part of Malaysia, and has been “recognized” by the UN and the international community as part of Malaysia since the formation of the Federation of Malaysia on Sept. 16, 1963.
It argued that the Philippines’ claim to sovereignty over Sabah is “incompatible with its erga omnes obligation to recognize and uphold the legitimate exercise of the right to self-determination by the people of Sabah in 1963.”
“The Government of Malaysia wholly rejects the claims by the Republic of the Philippines that the latter has legal ownership and sovereignty over the Malaysian state of Sabah,” the mission said.
“It is clear that the Republic of the Philippines claim to Sabah has no basis whatsoever under international law.”



Apple's iPhone factory shift has left a ghost town behind in China​

By Malcolm Owen

Apr 29, 2024

Foxconn is closing factories in China as iPhone production moves elsewhere, and impacts beyond industry have been made crystal clear in a new video.
A Foxconn facility sign
A Foxconn facility sign

Apple has long operated its production in China, but in recent years it has been shifting away. Production in India and Vietnam is growing, with fewer products being shipped out of China.
In a China Observer report released on Monday, footage of a Foxconn industrial park in Nanning is shown to be deserted. Once employing 50,000 people, it's now practically an empty shell. AppleInsider has learned that as Apple's operations have moved elsewhere, manufacturing capacity was freed elsewhere in China, leading to this plant's closure.
A local man told the report the plant required massive resources to go with its 50,000 employees. This included 60 tons of rice per day, as well as 280 pigs, 1.2 million eggs, and 80,000 chickens.



Malaysia opposes Philippines continental shelf claim​

Pia Lee-Brago - The Philippine Star

July 1, 2024 | 12:00am

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Malaysia opposes Philippines continental shelf claim

In a note verbale to UN Secretary General António Guterres on June 27, Malaysia’s permanent mission to the United Nations said Malaysia has never recognized the Philippines’ claim to Sabah.
Google Map

MANILA, Philippines — Malaysia has opposed the Philippine submission to a United Nations body to formally recognize the extent of its undersea continental shelf, saying it is projected from the baselines of Sabah.
In a note verbale to UN Secretary General António Guterres on June 27, Malaysia’s permanent mission to the United Nations said Malaysia has never recognized the Philippines’ claim to Sabah.
Malaysia requested the UN Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf not to examine and qualify the Philippines Partial Submission.

“The Government of Malaysia categorically rejects the Philippines’ Partial Submission on the basis that the Republic of the Philippines’ continental margin is projected from the baselines of the Malaysian state of Sabah.
This clearly disregards Malaysia’s indisputable sovereignty over the state of Sabah,” the mission said.

The mission said Sabah has always been an integral part of Malaysia, and has been “recognized” by the UN and the international community as part of Malaysia since the formation of the Federation of Malaysia on Sept. 16, 1963.
It argued that the Philippines’ claim to sovereignty over Sabah is “incompatible with its erga omnes obligation to recognize and uphold the legitimate exercise of the right to self-determination by the people of Sabah in 1963.”
“The Government of Malaysia wholly rejects the claims by the Republic of the Philippines that the latter has legal ownership and sovereignty over the Malaysian state of Sabah,” the mission said.
“It is clear that the Republic of the Philippines claim to Sabah has no basis whatsoever under international law.”
Very good....Asean start internal quarrel liao


Alfrescian (Inf)
Pinoys are doing their white master's bidding.. now creating trouble in ASEAN

Nope, it's Tiongland stirring shit, partly to distract the low IQ Tiongs inside the Great Firewall from their domestic economic troubles.

South China Sea does not belong to China. It's 南中国海 not 中国南海. 'The sea due south of China' vs 'China's inland southern sea'. Please learn the difference.

But if you are a George Yeo or Dickson Yeo type, or one of those brainwashed folks who insist China can do no wrong and the angmohs are always at fault, then that can't be helped. :cool: