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China PRC killed people in Maxwell Hawker Center but he could still combs his hair so neatly in Changi Jail. Pls sexplain


Alfrescian (Inf)
Prison got no barber like army.
The working inmates double up as barbers sometimes lucky if got real life barber or hairstylist inmates
that means for safety no scissors and old style razors. only electric razors? without skill and scissors can’t have stylish cut. may be buzz trim or one side high one side low. yan dao kia in prison must be pissed.


Alfrescian (Inf)
that means for safety no scissors and old style razors. only electric razors? without skill and scissors can’t have stylish cut. may be buzz trim or one side high one side low. yan dao kia in prison must be pissed.

No need to be so attractive and well-groomed in prison. Or you can wear a dress, high heels, put on some liptick, and go about your daily life in prison. It's more fun. :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
No need to be so attractive and well-groomed in prison. Or you can wear a dress, high heels, put on some liptick, and go about your daily life in prison. It's more fun. :biggrin:
high heels can kill. panties and dress can strangle. best all go nude.