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china and Thailand plan canal


Old Fart
why is China doing this to spore? When we have been sucking their dicks so hard and for so long?



Better to get the project started and than Sabo it....than it will be cancelled and the ChiCons would have spent billions for fuck all....let the ChiCons bleed with a thousand cuts

syed putra

Pinky never fails o make silly comments about China and China have long foresight. Having canal cut across thailand saves a lot of time for China transhipment from East to West and also created more revenue for Thailand as a transhipment hub. The current Thai King loves China more than PAPPY.
It saves time only if canal is big enough to allow two way traffic. Otherwise no point.

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Pinky never fails o make silly comments about China and China have long foresight. Having canal cut across thailand saves a lot of time for China transhipment from East to West and also created more revenue for Thailand as a transhipment hub. The current Thai King loves China more than PAPPY.
Pinky was just sucking Obama's black cock when he made the pork soup jokes. Since then sinkapore has been played out on the Tpp FTA, endured arm bending over SCS etc. Next president may still be sleepy Biden or Trump again. Even an idiot also know better to keep a distance.

And that Thai king is a joke. Dunno how much longer he can hold on to his throne. Until power is consolidated by someone in Thailand, China has no one to make a deal with over this mega project