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china and Thailand plan canal


Alfrescian (Inf)
old news lah. never to materialize due to muslim separatists’ movement in southern thailand. thai military will never approve.


Alfrescian (Inf)
SG has been quietly paying off the Thai and Chinese politicians all these years to stop them from building the canal.
They used the SG reserves.
Which is why the PAP refuses to disclose the size of the reserves and how they have been used for other purposes.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Won't happen in the next 20 years. Don't worry
China is incredibly productive and wealthy. It can build a canal in a few years, but first it needs Thailand's permission. When that occurs, Singapore and Malaysia should start discussing a re-merger. Otherwise, we would be unable to pay our ministers' salaries at the current rate. By that time, we will see a surge in Johor landed property surge.


Alfrescian (Inf)
China will finished building the canal in a few years and Malaysia and Singapore will still be discussing the terms of the merger.
In the meantime, property prices in SG and Johor will collapse.
SG port traffic will drop, SG will become a port only for cargo going to Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand.
Cargo going to East Asia and East Malaysia will use the Thai canal.

orh mee suah

Singapore can't afford to be arrogant.
China can still strangulate its economy in a number of ways without building the canal and Russia can refuse to discuss a joint venture if one day the Arctic route becomes economically viable.


Alfrescian (Inf)
SG has been quietly paying off the Thai and Chinese politicians all these years to stop them from building the canal.
They used the SG reserves.
Which is why the PAP refuses to disclose the size of the reserves and how they have been used for other purposes.

salah liao...................the Jews controlling S'pore will make sure no such canal will be built.................they were the ones that sent Raffles here............from S'pore - they use our SAF to control the shipping between Indian ocean and Sth China Sea

these Jews also created Communism................so China under their control too

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
China is incredibly productive and wealthy. It can build a canal in a few years, but first it needs Thailand's permission. When that occurs, Singapore and Malaysia should start discussing a re-merger. Otherwise, we would be unable to pay our ministers' salaries at the current rate. By that time, we will see a surge in Johor landed property surge.

Zero doubt of China's building capability. But working with Thai government is a political risk for the Chinese. China's and sinkapore's geopolitical interests are aligned right now and have been working well together on diff levels. No need for them to open another front


SG has been quietly paying off the Thai and Chinese politicians all these years to stop them from building the canal.
They used the SG reserves.
Which is why the PAP refuses to disclose the size of the reserves and how they have been used for other purposes.
Paging for Coffeesoh, sauce is true?


SG has been quietly paying off the Thai and Chinese politicians all these years to stop them from building the canal.
They used the SG reserves.
Which is why the PAP refuses to disclose the size of the reserves and how they have been used for other purposes.
Paging for Coffeesoh, sauce is true??
SG has been quietly paying off the Thai and Chinese politicians all these years to stop them from building the canal.
They used the SG reserves.
Which is why the PAP refuses to disclose the size of the reserves and how they have been used for other purposes.
Cannot be... We are cleaner than clean, whitet than white, we dun do underhands stuff


Alfrescian (Inf)
China's and sinkapore's geopolitical interests are aligned right now and have been working well together on diff levels. No need for them to open another front
Pinky never fails o make silly comments about China and China have long foresight. Having canal cut across thailand saves a lot of time for China transhipment from East to West and also created more revenue for Thailand as a transhipment hub. The current Thai King loves China more than PAPPY.