First, life is not easy for many.
Second, we do not know the background of these poor women.
Third, we do not know what led them into this.
Imagine you are one of them.
Would you want to lead that kind of life or a normal household life with a husband and children..
The women have no standard familee life. Very uncertain future.
What about when age catches up. Who would care for them in old age.
It is easy to make negative comments.
But it is all predestined. And it also predestined if these women would be able to leave this kind of lifestyle.
What if you -- if you have the chance to be reborn as a human again - are also then predestined to be a Village Mistress -- or be reborn as a female hyena and though being the leader of the pack of sometimes 100 hyenas and although larger than the males will ultimately succumb to serving the males in the pack.