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Child blocking platform doors and delaying MRT trains for Youtube


Boy Obstructs & Jams Jurong East MRT Platform Doors, Staff Rush To Fix Issue

Our public transport system, while efficient, is no stranger to the occasional service disruption which often occurs due to technical faults. However, passengers on the MRT experienced a completely different disruption recently, when a boy tried to stop the platform doors at Jurong East station from closing.
When he did that, the train appeared to be stuck at the platform until a staff member arrived to fix the issue.

The boy, who filmed the act, allegedly uploaded the clip to YouTube but has since deleted the recording. But proving that the Internet is forever, others have reposted the video on social media including Reddit.

Viewers who’ve come across the recording have since commented that they’ve reported the matter to SMRT.

Boy obstructs Jurong East MRT platform doors​

A two-minute video on the r/Singapore subreddit shows a child, seemingly a boy, filming himself preventing the platform doors at Jurong East MRT station from closing fully.

He seems to succeed as the doors remain unclosed, causing the train to activate a failsafe preventing it from leaving the platform.

“So here’s how you play… oh my gosh,” the boy exclaims as he realises what he has done.

He then moves away from the platform while saying, “Okay, I’m going to move far away so I don’t look like a suspect.”

The boy deliberates with himself for a few moments about whether to upload the video to YouTube.

He continues to stand on the platform, laughing at his handiwork. A man who appears to be a station staff member then runs over to the platform doors to fix the issue.

“This is so cool,” the boy marvels, while he films the man cleaning up after his act. Meanwhile, an incoming train visibly stops behind the stationary one, likely because it cannot enter the platform.

A few moments later, the train finally leaves the platform.

While the delay seemed to have lasted for only about a minute, it was enough time for both trains to fall behind schedule.

Redditors unimpressed by child’s actions​

According to the OP who reposted the video, the perpetrator deleted the video on his YouTube channel, but not before admitting that he fled the scene.

Others who saw the video were, to put it mildly, unimpressed.

Acts that cause the doors to malfunction are punishable with a fine of up to S$1,000 under the Rapid Transit Systems Regulations.


Alfrescian (Inf)
"Never before has a generation so diligently recorded themselves accomplishing so little."



Alfrescian (Inf)
There's this schoolboy that is doing exactly this at a station in the west very often. Limpeh suspect he has mental problem. I approached him, stare angrily and say loudly to him "What the fuck are you doing? You want me to push you out of the train?" Fucker was stunned and quietly went back to his seat. I stared at him throughout the whole journey until he alighted few stops later.

syed putra

There's this schoolboy that is doing exactly this at a station in the west very often. Limpeh suspect he has mental problem. I approached him, stare angrily and say loudly to him "What the fuck are you doing? You want me to push you out of the train?" Fucker was stunned and quietly went back to his seat. I stared at him throughout the whole journey until he alighted few stops later.
You can't do That to a boy! He will be traumatised for life.