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When it comes to having meals with your family or friends, it can be one of the best moments of your life and you will remember the taste and price forever.

But, it can also be one of the worst moments when you realize that you got ripped off.

Our reader send in the following:

$9 Chicken Rice​

A man shared his story after his elderly father was charged $9 for two chicken wings and a side of roast pork at a coffee shop.

This is almost twice what others would charge. When the man went back to ask about the price he was told not to come back if he cannot afford it.

More at https://singaporeuncensored.com/chi...u-cannot-afford-dont-come-back/?feed_id=31784


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
A man shared his story after his elderly father was charged $9 for two chicken wings and a side of roast pork at a coffee shop.

This is almost twice what others would charge. When the man went back to ask about the price he was told not to come back if he cannot afford it.

This price seems reasonable. A plate of chicken rice with two wings is about $5. Most places sell roast pork for about $5 per 100g.

If the old fart is looking for a $1 meal, he should stick to nasi lemak or plain bee hoon seasoned with soy sauce.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Who did he vote for in the previous elections ? Vote for PAP if u want to enjoy cheap chicken rice because the purpose of GST is to lower the cost of living for Singaporeans


This price seems reasonable. A plate of chicken rice with two wings is about $5. Most places sell roast pork for about $5 per 100g.

If the old fart is looking for a $1 meal, he should stick to nasi lemak or plain bee hoon seasoned with soy sauce.
Sinkie shd create toufu chicken meat sell cheap cheap...


Scrooball (clone)

This price seems reasonable. A plate of chicken rice with two wings is about $5. Most places sell roast pork for about $5 per 100g.

If the old fart is looking for a $1 meal, he should stick to nasi lemak or plain bee hoon seasoned with soy sauce.
I was also confused. $9 is crazy money to pay for chicken wings + roast pork meh?

U know what is crazy money? Paying $5 when I wanted to use the toilet in Switzerland. Haha


Alfrescian (Inf)
It is OK to pay $9 but make sure that is the last time you give that stall the business. Don't be like 61% sinkies, screwed once, twice and still not getting enough. Every time I felt shortchanged or overcharged, I won't take a 2nd look at the same stall ever again. The exploitive seller needs to pay rent, without a dollar coming from you, he still needs to pay rent. He has more to lose. Most of the time, it will close shop for a reason and you felt happy about it.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
WTF that's not your regular small portion wings. That's whole side of chicken wing + shoulder. Even Macik charge $3.50 per pc. So x 2 = $7 bucks then roast pork that's at least 1.50, lice lima kupang all in 9 dolar is ok what ?

Cannot afford don't come back !


A man shared his story after his elderly father was charged $9 for two chicken wings and a side of roast pork at a coffee shop.
KNN was it jiak 1st then pay? If is pay 1st then jiak he can always leeject to pay KNN if is jiak 1st then pay he has to blame himself for not asking price 1st KNN


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
WTF that's not your regular small portion wings. That's whole side of chicken wing + shoulder. Even Macik charge $3.50 per pc. So x 2 = $7 bucks then roast pork that's at least 1.50, lice lima kupang all in 9 dolar is ok what ?

Cannot afford don't come back !

Roast pork or char siew is sold at around $5 per 100g in most supermarkets. If a chicken rice shop can give you $1.50 per 100g of roast pork, he's overly generous or is lousy with numbers.


When the man went back to ask about the price he was told not to come back if he cannot afford it.
There is not a need to reply in such a manner and with such a behaviour. An explanation on why the food are charged at this price would be suffice, unless he is trying to overcharge to cover whatever he needs to cover.


It is OK to pay $9 but make sure that is the last time you give that stall the business. Don't be like 61% sinkies, screwed once, twice and still not getting enough. Every time I felt shortchanged or overcharged, I won't take a 2nd look at the same stall ever again. The exploitive seller needs to pay rent, without a dollar coming from you, he still needs to pay rent. He has more to lose. Most of the time, it will close shop for a reason and you felt happy about it.

Once you quarrel with a food preparer or server, never visit that establishment again, unless you want special ingredients in your food. :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Once you quarrel with a food preparer or server, never visit that establishment again, unless you want special ingredients in your food. :biggrin:

Some hawkers are very petty and jealous, if you have been a regular customer but didn't patronize them for quite a while, their face black black when they see you. :eek: