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Chee Hong Tat declines to confirm oil spill response standard, citing incident variability


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These PCB Chee Hong Kia if dunno should just admit he don't know and will humbly find out more from his ministry, i.e. should have done his homework.

But instead, his pride took over him because of his new promotion with million-dollar salary, and die die must try to appear very wise using satki scholarly arguments to try spin CSB nonsense out of thin air and smoke his way through NBCB.

Is he even aware of what is TPR and 'Good Practice Standards for Oil Spill Response'?

Oil Spill Preparedness and Response (TPR)​

Tiered Preparedness and Response (TPR) is a widely recognized international framework for planning and managing oil spill responses. It emphasizes a multi-layered approach based on the anticipated size and severity of a spill.

Here's how TPR works:

  • Tiers: The framework divides response capabilities into different tiers based on the scale of the spill. Lower tiers handle smaller spills, while higher tiers address larger, more complex incidents.
  • Planning: Organizations develop response plans for each tier, outlining specific actions, equipment, and resources needed for each scenario.
  • Integration: TPR encourages the integration of local, regional, and even global resources into the planning process. This ensures access to the most effective response capabilities regardless of the spill's size.
Benefits of TPR:

  • Scalability: Allows for a measured response based on the specific situation.
  • Efficiency: Ensures proper resource allocation and avoids overdeployment for smaller spills.
  • Coordination: Promotes collaboration between different response agencies at local, regional, and international levels.

Good Practice Standards for Oil Spill Response​

While there's no single mandated standard, several key principles guide effective oil spill response:

  • Prevention: The best approach is to prevent spills in the first place. This involves adhering to international regulations like MARPOL and implementing best practices in oil transportation and storage.
  • Preparedness: Having a comprehensive response plan (like a TPR plan) in place allows for a swift and coordinated response when a spill does occur.
  • Rapid Response: Early intervention is crucial to minimize the environmental impact. Response teams should be trained, equipped, and ready to deploy quickly.
  • Effective Response Techniques: Choosing the most appropriate response technique depends on factors like the type of oil, weather conditions, and location. Common techniques include containment, recovery, in-situ burning (controlled burning of oil), and use of dispersants (chemicals that break down oil).
  • Environmental Protection: The primary goal is to minimize environmental damage. Response efforts should prioritize protecting sensitive ecosystems and wildlife.
  • Waste Management: Recovered oil and any materials used in the response need to be properly disposed of to avoid further environmental contamination.
These good practice standards, combined with the structured framework of TPR, help ensure a more effective and environmentally responsible response to oil spills.

Here are some resources for further information:

  • International Maritime Organization (IMO): [International Maritime Organization]
  • Oil Spill Response Ltd (OSRL): [oilspillresponse.com]
  • IPIECA (global oil & gas industry association for environmental and social performance): [IPIECA oil spill preparedness and response ON ipieca.org]
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