the bible was really written by j.k.rowling umder alliases and harry potter and wizards are real. You delusional ppl ever hear of cult mentality? Ever meet anyone stuck too deep in a pyramid scheme? Some kid with a girl that'll 'unfriendzone' him eventualy? That's what you sound like. You praise some theoritical concept, it doesn't matter what it is, you just hold this idea that 'something' is better or on a masterplan and you preach it. You never give proof why, because you're not supposed to, proof leads to research, research to information, and information to a possible debate. You never think, because you're not allowed to. You just believe anyone without it is inferior, you believe YOU were nothing before it, demonizing the world, demonizing your old self to really nail it in. I think you're interesting, please, by all means keep believing, you'll be happier for it. But don't try to recruit, even if that's what they tell you to. Especialy if you're just gonna come off as a robot.