Is it becos pap NTUC wants to encourage sinkies to quickly finish the $250?
250/80=3.125 visits rather than spending $10 $20 per round?
I think is the kick when using it.Because crediting money into bank accounts is too mainstream, you have to go through Singpass and a 'queue' system.
What is it about??? Isn't this currency debasement??? Increasing the money supply = devaluing my savings and your savings (if one can understand the illusion of elastic currency that is). Isn't this as good as taking my money and then ring fence around it and put rules as to where I can spend my own money???
M3 Money Supply (July 2021) = 723,173.1 Mil
M3 Money Supply (Nov 2023) = 794,940.4 Mil
Increased: 74,767 Mil (10.338% Increased)
This is against the pap objective of giving the voucher. It is meant to offset incr in gst inflation etc and suppose to be spent wisely over a period of 1 year. If they spent it all within 1 or 2 visit later they will kpkb the incr in gst de woh.It's better if sinkies quickly finish the $250. A dollar in hand is better than two in the bush. There are sinkies who forgot to spend all their CDC vouchers over the past few years.
It's better if sinkies quickly finish the $250. A dollar in hand is better than two in the bush. There are sinkies who forgot to spend all their CDC vouchers over the past few years.
Yes. KNN simple folks really is kena plunder until gao lat gao lat.... savings (not to mention the money kena lock up in CPF) losing purchasing power and still cheering happily lol...... kum gong kias.... The amount of financially illiterate people in this country is other's $500 for you...and you just fucked yourself with the 100k u had in your bank account because 1 million households have the same $500 to buy up all the food and grocery supplies in the country, your 100k will buy much less things now.......
Grateful ji ki lan??? Really??? This kind of BS vouchers is inflationary and must be stop immediately.KNN you people better learn to be grateful. I have never received a single CDC voucher before. Only that 1 time NS100 voucher last year.
KNN you people better learn to be grateful. I have never received a single CDC voucher before. Only that 1 time NS100 voucher last year.
$500 is one off, but the 1% increase in tax is permanent.
Have to say that PAP have been really heartless dogs to even impose this increase when prices are out of control.
How is the garhmen giving a few hundred dollars worth of CDC vouchers and U-Save vouchers to everyone going to cushion the inflation??? Can enlighten me???Last few years, the PAP also gave a few hundred dollars worth of CDC vouchers and U-save vouchers to cushion the inflation. So those vouchers are not a one-off thing.
more like control and contain you all in this island so the $ wont go jbHow is the garhmen giving a few hundred dollars worth of CDC vouchers and U-Save vouchers to everyone going to cushion the inflation??? Can enlighten me???
Requires Singpass and their shitty app? No thanks. And I can't be arsed to go to a CC to beg for it.
I never went thru any queueing process and never use singpass app, just phone browser and claimed the vouchers within a few minutes.
How is the garhmen giving a few hundred dollars worth of CDC vouchers and U-Save vouchers to everyone going to cushion the inflation??? Can enlighten me???
more like control and contain you all in this island so the $ wont go jb
The fact that they give u voucher while trying to buffer the inflation that they created is itself a fucking joke. And then you here trying to explain the purpose of this voucher and family menbers fighting over it make it even sillier joke.There are a few things that I would like to highlight about this cdc vouchers.
It is per household so it is not easy for pap to give out cash as different household got different number of members.
Also becos of this, I encounter there are cases of family quarrels over the usage of the vouchers I. E who should own the voucher? We will think best is to share the link with family members. But in reality there are farkers of the family breadwinner who would not want to share it and wants to own it himself, reason being he is the breadwinner. And same time he is those farkers that doesn't want to provide for the house and very stingy breadwinner.
Also we should not buy expensive items eg a electrical item like a washing machine from ntuc xtra you will still need to topup cash to it. The voucher is meant for you to buy chip chip things to enjoy the power of these vouchers.