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CCP Badminton player collapses while playing ...


Alfrescian (Inf)
Last moments of 17 year old Chinese badminton player Zhang Zhijie who died today. It seems he may have died immediately and not in the hospital as the fake media reports.

Still need to be delivered to the hospital for organ harvesting. There's a reason why that Johor sultan (now Malaysia agong) sent his yaosiu brat to China for an organ transplant. China, of all places in the world. :cool:

Quickly harvest, then quickly cremate to destroy the evidence. Welcome to Tiongland. :sneaky:




Gentle reminder that a lot of Tiongs died after taking their Sino jabs, just because they don't contain the mRNA magic juice doesn't mean they are safe. :wink:

By the way, please look up what the WEF people are discussing and doing in China recently. I believe they gathered in Liaoning? :cool:

mRNA is a hoax. Whatever announces to the sheeple via TV from mainstream media are always hoax, truth are swept under the carpet

All death shots contained nanotechnology and these have not been informed to the sheeple publicly

Bad New Brown

Don't be so mean and bad la, wishing people to die. He is a promising young teenager.

In life, anything can happen to anyone even you are unvaccinated :thumbsdown:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Don't be so mean and bad la, wishing people to die. He is a promising young teenager.

In life, anything can happen to anyone even you are unvaccinated :thumbsdown:

Yeah, but when what was once a 'once in a blue moon' event starts happening more and more frequently, and even to the young ones and athletes... lets see how long people are in denial about this. :cool:


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
View attachment 202101

Last moments of 17 year old Chinese badminton player Zhang Zhijie who died today. It seems he may have died immediately and not in the hospital as the fake media reports.

Forwarded from WhatsApp University.

Ladies and gentlemen, really watch this closely

What a big international event

And there is no urgent medical paramedic running right in front to rush into helping him

He’s left there on the floor leaving him to die he was left to his death !


Observe the last breath catching

The jerking of the whole body

And the

Struggling yelling for help


No one seems to realised the vaccine induced myocarditis is the killer here it seems...


The damage to his heart could have been caused by a Covid infection rather than the jab.


I wanted to post comment but speechless.
Usually people who suffer a heart attack should have some warning sign before they collapse.
In this case it is unusual, as he doesn't showed any sign before the collapse.
He did not eg squat down first