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CCP Badminton player collapses while playing ...


RIP 张志杰. If you are drafted into China's first team, you are destined to be a badminton star in the future.

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No one came to help scared kanna sue?

I don't agree with COVID Vax for healthy people, but I still think COVID is the more likely cause of these deaths. The lowered lung function causes oxygen-poor blood to clot easily.


Many folks especially those morons at fuckwarezone have the delusion that HENG AH they pay money and went for tiong vax tiagong it's safer lol..... alot on tiong vax also uplorry wad.... due to confirmation bias, you just refuse to look at the tiong vax kill rate lol..... let me tell you lah this whole fiasco is a direct reflection of one's IQ and EQ level.

It doesn't matter how high is your school education, ability to impress others by solving brain teaser questions, mathematicians, school teachers, lawyers, doctors, or anything in between pretending and deceiving yourself that you are on a higher league? lol.... this garbage zham experiment is a life and death matter and you failed miserably due to your lack of intelligence..... Many may not have the chance to reflect on their intelligence due to being six feet under or turned into ashes.... Bottom line, don't equate school education with intelligence (KNN this is wad that called Halo Effect). It's two completely different things.


No one came to help scared kanna sue?

I don't agree with COVID Vax for healthy people, but I still think COVID is the more likely cause of these deaths. The lowered lung function causes oxygen-poor blood to clot easily.
Cold and flu symptoms unlikely to kill young and healthy people but only dying soon old people.

The most common symptom to have killed people instantly is cardiac arrest


Many folks especially those morons at fuckwarezone have the delusion that HENG AH they pay money and went for tiong vax tiagong it's safer lol..... alot on tiong vax also uplorry wad.... due to confirmation bias, you just refuse to look at the tiong vax kill rate lol..... let me tell you lah this whole fiasco is a direct reflection of one's IQ and EQ level.

It doesn't matter how high is your school education, ability to impress others by solving brain teaser questions, mathematicians, school teachers, lawyers, doctors, or anything in between pretending and deceiving yourself that you are on a higher league? lol.... this garbage zham experiment is a life and death matter and you failed miserably due to your lack of intelligence..... Many may not have the chance to reflect on their intelligence due to being six feet under or turned into ashes.... Bottom line, don't equate school education with intelligence (KNN this is wad that called Halo Effect). It's two completely different things.
People at fuckwarezone are usually delusional due to the fact that the truth (such as flat earth and many conspiracy theories) are censored in that state controlled media and they could only circulate/speak misinformation which is a government preferred narrative. So those who are not aware and not so smart people ended up believing in misinformation (as truth) and got themselves delusional.
If people want to spread truth in that forum usually will get banned


Now when I watch badminton on TV, it appears that the players are challenging on another to see which one will die first.

The same for the uncles at the sports center, SAFRA especially.



Last moments of 17 year old Chinese badminton player Zhang Zhijie who died today. It seems he may have died immediately and not in the hospital as the fake media reports.

Forwarded from WhatsApp University.

Ladies and gentlemen, really watch this closely

What a big international event

And there is no urgent medical paramedic running right in front to rush into helping him

He’s left there on the floor leaving him to die he was left to his death !


Observe the last breath catching

The jerking of the whole body

And the

Struggling yelling for help


No one seems to realised the vaccine induced myocarditis is the killer here it seems...
