Up next -> What is the best thing to do with your Genting Points and how to advantage play to win tournaments at Genting.
Previously I had written about comp hustling and accumulating Genting Points. Assuming you have managed to accumate a fair number, what then is the best way to use them?
If you look though the Genting Point redmention offers, you will find the best and worst ways to use your points are
Best Ways
1) Get hotel rooms
2) Take part in tournaments
Worst Ways
1) Exchange them for food in the casino
2) Exchange them for travel rebates (e.g. petrol, bus, limosine)
3) Buy tacky seasonal items (e.g. mooncakes)
4) Play slots are the slot machine
Hotel Rooms
For hotel rooms, something as little as 1 GP allows to leverage on a good deal. For just 1 GP, you can get a huge 30% discount on your hotel room booking. As such you should NEVER book a package from a tour agent. You should buy a 1 way bus ticket and use your GP to get a big discount on your hotel room. I mentioned a 1 way ticket as bus tickets are HALF PRICE at Genting. You can therefore save money by buying the return ticket at Genting.
If you are more than a casual gambler, you should use your GP to exchange for rooms. GP for dollar, it is much more worth it than spending it on anything else.
Another good thing to use your GP for is to take part in tournaments. The cost for doing so is relatively low. If you win, you get a nice prize paid in nn chips. Assuming you use GP to get free hotel room, you therefore in effect are taking a free holiday with a chance to come home with RM 3K to RM 5K if you are lucky.
When taking part in tournaments, there are a whole host of advantage play techniques you can use to enhance your chances of winning. Previously I had talked about finding an unpopular game during the low season where there are few people playing. Based on experience, roulette is usually such a game.
If you are playing in a roulette tournament, the following is a simple advantage play which will significantly enhance your chances of winning if no other advantage players are in the tournament.
1) Check the rules and bet the minimum amount that the rules specify. This will usually be a single bet on a single number.
2) Continue making this single bet until the end of the tournament.
3) At the very last spin, bet ALL your chips on either black/red, evens/odds.
Assuming no 1 else is using this strategy, this gives you almost a 50% chance of winning the tournament. This is because you have minimised your bets and thus your losses throughout the tournament. The variance in the final bet if such that the house edge is meaningless. If you win, you win the tournament and the prize (RM 3K to RM 5K). If you lose, you only lose the Genting points you used to take part.