In MBS, playing Blackjack when I surrender a 15 points of a $50 bet one S'pore uncle make a lot comment

I bought insurance he thought I am against him. I moved tables because this old asshole
In RWS, playing Pontoon when I surrender a 15 points of a $75 bet the PRC gamblers were shocked
as if they never see anyone SURRENDER before. They keep asking me why
In RWS, playing Pontoon I ever saw a few SG uncles commenting loudly on one PRC man for drawing a card which lead to the dealer drawing to 20 points for the House. That PRC man bang the table hard shouting back at them
" wo xi huan zhe muk DU jiu zhe muk DU"
I supposed you buy insurance at $25 when dealer has an ACE card while you have 15 points. Because when dealer has ACE there is no option for players to surrender.
I read from a book recently, it said probability of dealer having ACE busting is very low if the dealer can stand on soft 17. Player has 3 choices, to hit, stand or insurance
Insurance choice is putting down extra $25 down on top of a $50 bet. If dealer does not have a 10 card, $25 lose. Dealer get 17-20 points also quite high, $50 probability of losing is high.
To hit, probability to bust is higher than getting between 17-21 and if get another Ace is 16, and have to draw a 4th card.
To stand, is virtually lose $50, only hope is to wait for dealer bust which the dealer have a hard time of busting when they have an ACE.
What I read from the book is
The best situation would be to hit and hope for 2,3,4,5,6 (you got 5 cards and hope the dealer can push or bust). buying insurance would be risking 1/2 bet just to hope for a push. It defeats the fundamental of us gambling where we should aim to win more and lose less and not put extra bets at risk to win nothing. If the dealer has an ACE card, you buy insurance, 2nd card turn up is 5, your insurance bet of $25 taken and he gets another 3rd card which is 5 again, your main bet of $50 is again taken because dealer has 21 which is not a blackjack.
Buying insurance when dealer has ACE is a winning move for blackjack tables. Why would tables want to eat half your bets when dealer has an ACE and could jolly eat up full bets most of the time.
I got a personal experience of buying insurance when dealer has an ACE. I have a 20, dealer has an ACE. I buy insurance because everyone was saying if I buy, I wouldn't lose anything at all if dealer has a blackjack and my 20 is very strong already. dealer has a 5, my insurance bet taken, I think nevermind still can win my main bet or push if dealer has 20. However, dealer gets a 3rd card which is another 5, I lost my main bet.
Your 15pts you buy insurance, mine is 20pts I buy insurance already lose more and your chances of losing more is far greater than mine. This lesson taught me a lot. Never buy insurance already. I risked 1/2 bet and lose 1.5bets. It's like the dealer got a good deal out of me.
That's why in such situations, anything below 16, dealer has ACE, just hit till 16 or above and wait for dealer's hand. No one can predict the next card, but if we know the probability well enough, even dealer has strong up cards, there is no need to fear them.
I don't comment on people when they buy insurance or splits or doubles or surrenders. Because its their money. We never know what's the next card coming out. Neither can we count the cards. So the card counting and basic strategy don't really work on blackjack tables already