Wow $108 for a family, your income tax must put you in the upper tax bracket
No, I'm not in upper tax bracket. I have to do 2 part time jobs to survive in Canada. Even with 2 part time jobs, my earnings are less than the average blue collar worker salary in Canada, this puts me in the lowest tax bracket. I work part time as grocery bagger at Save On and another part time job at Home Depot.
What to do? Bo bian, got wifey and kids to feed
You must be self employed. You want a "lobang". Get a job with an employer that has Medical, Dental, Extended Health and Long Term/Short Term Disability as part of the employment package.
Nowadays, no companies will hire a person full time! If they hire all part timers, they don't have to pay benefits. The minute you say you are looking for full time work, they throw your application in the garbage bin. And these are the big companies in Canada - Home Depot, Sears, The Bay, Best Buy etc.
Any Bros got "real" lobang? Cost of living in Canada is getting too much these days. My wife's drug bills are costing a bomb! Just few weeks ago, the Mayors are talking about raising taxes to fund the buses. Damn, what happen to the Carbon Tax money? Sigh! At least Singapore don't have Carbon Tax and GST 5% is cheap!