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Can you trust PAP on Wuhan virus? Must read!

Tiu Kwang Yew

Hi All,

Coffeeshops talk very hot on the subject, but funny, less people wear masks, they said only the smarter ones do so.

We piece together their stories for your read.

virus this kind of thing very small, no one can understand how it behaves right, dengue fever virus, singapore always got people die right?

no vaccine found? first world sinkapore? Dengue fever goes away when you wish, but Wuhan virus is human to human, you cannot wish away, things must be done and talk only cannot work right? What have sinkapore done? Are we too late in the first place when 100k signed petition to stop the hosts?

Wuhan virus how well you know this small monster? How you calm people down, my friend, this is not GE hustings, this is virus, not political issues washing minds right.
yes . life must go on but people are exposed to people everyday in buses , MRT, etc, but you are in ivory tower well shielded right, you talk about calm and united.

you cannot calm people when you are not sure of what you are going to do right?
people panicked because they dont trust the so called leaders on the job.

we have to admit that a global village only concern of money will fall amid any kind of epidemic when it strikes. May be not but it will come when the borders are unbridled.
can the people who voted PAP still trust PAP on virus issue, reporting the truth nothing but the truth, or perhaps, aftermath of the panic buying, the mass media will be controlled to tell only the good news, but this will be a big mistake , an irreparable mistake.

how do you calm people when the population in sinkapore is teemed with nearly half of foreigners. The fear will never go away unless the political environ is changed. The change must come from the voters. it is up to the sinkaporeans whether they want to live in fear or happiness. Wuhan virus may be just a beginning, as more and more foreigners come to roost because of money, Sinkapore wont last for another 50 years. This is not blaming on certain people or certain group, but we need to find the root cause in order to find a solution.
And people in charge should not keep harping on xenophobia, playing down the problem at the doorstep, , and firing at Sinkaporeans for being panicky or worrisome, this is natural.

So ask the govt, how do you want the sinkaporeans to behave amid the outbreak, pretend nothing has happened ? smile and drink and be calm , wishing the problem away.
don't be such a big joke, they are humans, they have the right to think what is good for them.

this is their stories, thank you for your read, pls share .


Man in the streets

Death Toll in chin.a already hit 722, not dangerous?
Another thing, 4 surgical masks to each family not a big joke, are we talking about at least 50pcs.
see the queue at Mustafa, it tells a true story.

the word calm has to realise from inside of a soul not just only a pep talk.
You are right, better report the truth no matter how the singaporeans behave, this is a survival instinct.

Never force Singaporeans how to behave during trying times. it will only bring suffering, others can go home, but the low IQ locals got only the red dot to fall back.


Hope top dogs and top cats from MOM, MHA, MFA and MND kenna this Virus and perish. Then they know what hope means, what fear means, what actions means, what life means.

it is about life and death, why talk about xenophobia, akin to the response of asking employment data......are you not the one creating fear and hatred among the people?

In times of trouble, you talk about jobs, economy, GDP, profits......hello my friends, if singapore needs to go bankrupt because of any outbreak.....so be it. You deserve it, big money comes with a price. 6 million on the small island, you think what, forever young, forever with pay over the moon?
Stop the nonsense, start doing practical tasks, put citizens safety first, wear masks now. Do something real for the people, Rational fear is good for the people. You have to prepare for the worst and hope for the best and not wishing the problem to go away.

Stop cursing singaporeans amid the outbreak, not all who hit the panic -buying button are locals or naturalised people, many of them are aliens!!! Watch your CCTVs history!
Orange zone means something to them, in fact most locals are too poor for panic buying and they are not savvy, not smart enough to understand what is going on ,being fed with no real info, this is the real danger!

many locals are hit by the outbreak, their monthly salaries are affected, great affected, it is time the mandarins dig into the reserve to help them , in good figures and not kachiamputeh amount, dont be an idiot, is time as a govt to put in the heart to really help. Dont politicize the deed for goodness sake.

god help sinagpore. Wear mask now!
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This photo would be most appropriate here.


Tiu Kwang Yew

Sinkaporeans look very lost differently these COVID 19 days.
those low IQ especially the PAP local supporters seems to believe PAP that the virus is nothing, and those in the know is trying to avoid crowds and stay aloof, keep themselves safe.

no one can tell how this virus behaves in individual person, some die, some survive, but of course you cannot as so -called leaders try to trick citizens that this is nothing.
in fact, this is getting more serious right. If some can die of it, who want to be the some right?

look at the airshow, what is the PAP is doing ? Telling the world Sinkapore is safe and virus is non issue right.
Mind these words----there is more life than the wuhan virus ! Whoever spit these words hopefully get this virus and spread to his or her family...all go in critical condition. That's good right?

thoughtful public is calling the govt to stop religious gathering, do more practical work on ground, not politicizing this virus issue. Is life and death issue, lets put the GDP aside.

another serious thing, checkpoints at Tuas and woodlands are heavily used by Malaysians in and out of sinkapore everyday , everynite. Malaysia is not immune to this Virus, these people can bring in huge infection either right? What are going to do?? Form council and drink beer and wait, or should you now carry out stringent checks at these borders before it gets out of hands.

please, people are shouting for action, do something that bring confidence and not spitting words that confuse.

Oppo parties also must speak up now, dont undermine this virus, some will survive , many will die, who want to be the many. We can stop this monster now, dont let money greediness kill the island.

this is street talk, thank you for your read, may the force be with higher IQ local sinkaporeans.
Help Sinkapore, all deities !

Man in the streets

Budget 2020 , what do guys think of ?
Helping the locals or the naturalised or the foreigners to stay in job?

Is about economy my friends, masks and thermometers can go out of stocks, and these are non issues to the PAP. They are more concerned about foreigners getting retrenched. They would hope they dont have to report about the virus issue, and sing Singapore has no outbreak.

Guys, they have not solve the Dengue fever, is coming again soon after so many years, there is no solution except checking here and there, no vaccines, only wishing the season to go away. Singapore is no safe place to live no more. The melting pot will melt away sooner you think of. What is wrong with them? The whole economy is driven by aliens.

See the real weakness in Dengue, now you see the Covid 19---run out of masks, run out thermometers, our defence is made of straw. The way they talk, look at the eyes, are they real?
Covid 19 will peak soon and Dengue is coming soon. Those comedians hailed in time to moralize the low EQ people will fail big time...what a joke in a damn situation. Be calm, wear no mask only u r sick........hope it works. Meanwhile brace.....dengue is coming. Playing down will not save economy.



Stay home Notice for those PRCs or naturalised aliens or the locals will be disastrous. All these people should be kept away from public for awhile.
The fun talk to activate more quarantine centers is a big big joke when you talk about stay home notice.

Good luck my friends, is good to see the so called low EQ HDB voters drop like flies, isnt it.
Afterall, the white idiots are the ones who bring in the virus, let them,blow bigger while ah kiat becomes their PEP- Talk artiste.

Tiu Kwang Yew

Coffeeshop talks about Ah Chan scolding Panic buying people "Idiots" now very hot.
what is the meaning of Idiots?
How dare a well educated person voted by voters spit this kind of word on people.
Anyway, People called Ah Chan "William Hung", you guys remember american talents?

This is their story.

Who brought in Wuhan virus, first thing first right?

Second, when alert level went up to orange, what low EQ people know about Orange?They saw honkies did, monkeys followed....survival instinct right?

Now, there is a leaked audio, many people say a person talks behind bad about others, and talks sweet infront of others cannot be trusted already...right? This is not about straight talk or slant talk?
A matter of respect and understanding. Right?
In fact,this is a very serious problem in character because we are talking about pandemic and leadership and humility right?
What right you hv to shout Idiots ?

Also, another thing, if 4 pcs of face masks were only to calm nerves , what happen when a huge infection surfaces in HDB estates, save the medical staff first or the voters? So now we know not wearing face mask is about the stockpile , right? A big life gamble for economy amid the virus outbreak!
Why not Sinkapore tells the world there is no virus infection on this island? Let the covid patients die and stop reporting about this wuhan virus. Is not what sinkapore wants?

So Can Ah Chan still sit his position. God knows.

This is their sad story, thk u for reading.
God help sinkapore.
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Man in the streets

My goodness, a big lie is exposed.
This is life and death issue. Comparing to other countries abt Masks is the most stupid thing in the universe to do. You are a minister, this frank talk is to hurt the people.
Shortage of masks mean singapore defence has failed. They never learn from SARs.

This leaked audio may be the last evidence of the PAP dishonesty. They will tighten the safety of their dark side.

PAP cannot be trusted anymore.

The Budget 2020 is like a pie in the sky, it will not work but only on those low EQ idiots.

PAP must apologise to the public about the truth of masks stockpile.
Ah Chan must apologise and should resign calling people idiots. Period
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Man in the streets

Some China news reported that recovered Covid -19 patients who are discharged from hospital can be still contagious and re infected again.

Can anyone confirm this piece of news.
you guy realised every time when MOH reported new cases, they also liked to report proudly the number of discharged.


New Member
Suspect case definition for cornavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)


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So they say because of mask shortage that's why reserve our stock for medical personnel.
But why nobody question why was there a mask shortage in the first place? Are the govt ill-prepared for a potential pandemic?
Luckily, this wuhan virus has a low fatality rate. If not, i think all of us hong kan liao.