Actually simple way to control your medicine or pill intake that you never thought of.
1. Pill come in standard size and they say take one each day. They say only but you don't have to follow the instruction.
Train Test Split the pill....
2. you can Train Test Split the pill to see how your body react to the pill.
3. Split the pill into half, or pound the pill into powder form. Take half of it only.
4. train the pill... to see how the body feel with just taking half of the pill ... I say train the pill ahh... 听好好...
3. Test the pill.... the next visit to the doctor see what the doctor say from their testing procedures ... don't have to say you took half only, or else he get upset....
See. Many people never realise that they can take small step to train the pill to test your body, get the outcome from the doctor testing procedures and assessment about right dosage for you...
I have a friend daughter with health problem and complaint the pill make her daughter put on weight. Obviously the dosage of the pill is too much for her...
Told her to break the pill in half, train the pill. It works. This means it is the right dosage for her to take. Her daughter weight drop and health improved....
Sometimes you have to use fuzzy logic thinking ...... Try lah....
Like this covid vaccine, can train the vaccine take 50% dosage first, try lah?
Now ask this Canadian doctor for his assessment....
Psst if you like my bullshit click the like button.......