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Can we get JCB credit card in Singapore


I wanted to buy an expensive coffee machine and Amazon sg offers 15% discount on top of prime day discount if I use JCB card .

I realised there is no jcb card here and I complained to Amazon and at the same time I cancelled my prime membership


I wanted to buy an expensive coffee machine and Amazon sg offers 15% discount on top of prime day discount if I use JCB card .

I realised there is no jcb card here and I complained to Amazon and at the same time I cancelled my prime membership
I saw that offer as well when i bio google pixel 9..good offer


Amazon sg really insulting local sg customers by offering big discount to jcb card holders. However there is no business organisation which issue jcb cards in Singapore.
I don’t know who is their marketing SVP.

I called their hotline yesterday and after that I cancelled my membership


Amazon sg really insulting local sg customers by offering big discount to jcb card holders. However there is no business organisation which issue jcb cards in Singapore.
I don’t know who is their marketing SVP.

I called their hotline yesterday and after that I cancelled my membership
Which brand and model are you buying ?



I use this:


To use La Pavoni, I must have a nice house and nice kitchen first. Otherwise, it's like parking a Maserati outside HDB 4-room flat.