That's the diff between TOC and wayangparty. TOC is filled with MP-wannabes who want to jump on the Tan K L bandwagon to set up an alternative center of power in Singapore.
wayangparty has no such ambitions, it is just contented to wayang about in life, so I doubt they will ever want to lose their privacy just to work with Tan K L.
wayangparty has no such ambition? and yet its been doing so much for so long?
I dont know who is your mentor, but he sure didnt teach you to look at all angles before carrying out your actions.
Whether those from TOC are MP-wannebes is one thing. but at least they can be held accoutable for what they wrote and say.
You dont dare to be accountable, forever you will always be treated as a joke. but since you mention you have no such ambition, you must be quite a joke.