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Can take LRT to JB soon. Sinkies song boh ?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Its not the transport/cars/bridge issue ... its the speed of clearing of immigration that went very slow.
No point build 10 more bridges, when all the people end up to the same situation, 3 Counters open

Both Countries must accept each other passport to use E-Gate for scanning, no need to depend on lazy Custom Officer
Each side open 50 E-Gate Counters, no need to spend so much on smlj LRT .... build a covered aircon walking linkway
bingo. even with hsr, customs and immigration clearing will choke the checkpoints, both on jb side and sg side. that’s why hsr with just 1 stop in sg doesn’t make sense. that 1 stop can hold up a passenger for 69 minutes during normal days and 69 hours during peak days. high speed becums slow wait. to kl better to fly. to jb lrt will do.


Expect more whore houses to be built in JB and Sinkie Chee Ko Peh would be rushing there to call chicken!


Will they build another separate custom for the lrt to share the load with the existing one? If so, then it is worth the build or else, don't.