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Can take LRT to JB soon. Sinkies song boh ?


Alfrescian (Inf)
After reaching JB by LRT, you will be robbed and charged with unreasonable charges by taxi and grab ?




Alfrescian (Inf)
Do they charge the same fare for travel in both directions?

I remember back in the day, the yellow smiling bus charged S$5 for going to Bukit Indah, and 5 ringgits for coming to Sinkieland. :unsure:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Do they charge the same fare for travel in both directions?

I remember back in the day, the yellow smiling bus charged S$5 for going to Bukit Indah, and 5 ringgits for coming to Sinkieland. :unsure:
Same same. Never change. Malaysia authorities believe 1sgd = 1myr


Alfrescian (Inf)
Same same. Never change. Malaysia authorities believe 1sgd = 1myr

Or the PAP devils and/or the bus company couldn't let up another chance to milk daft Sinkies dry. :biggrin:

Jiuhu people usually take bus 170 or one of the other buses from Kranji MRT station back to their motherland. :wink:


Its not the transport/cars/bridge issue ... its the speed of clearing of immigration that went very slow.
No point build 10 more bridges, when all the people end up to the same situation, 3 Counters open

Both Countries must accept each other passport to use E-Gate for scanning, no need to depend on lazy Custom Officer
Each side open 50 E-Gate Counters, no need to spend so much on smlj LRT .... build a covered aircon walking linkway


Alfrescian (Inf)
Its not the transport/cars/bridge issue ... its the speed of clearing of immigration that went very slow.
No point build 10 more bridges, when all the people end up to the same situation, 3 Counters open

Both Countries must accept each other passport to use E-Gate for scanning, no need to depend on lazy Custom Officer
Each side open 50 E-Gate Counters, no need to spend so much on smlj LRT .... build a covered aircon walking linkway

Mega construction projects can make cronies huat big time. :sneaky:


peesai merge with johore.......benefit both peoples, except cheebye loong, he will have to suck the sultan's cock for the next 30 years