With the image of the national flag prominently displayed on this page, I think it is fitting to ask Singaporeons to ponder on this scenario.
The United Despotic Nations of the world decide to use their powers to force a country who is always quarreling with Singapore to settle their differences once and for all in a gladiator style contest. It will be winner takes all.
1000 able bodied men from each country picked at random through computer technology to ensure that man for man, they are of equal weight , height, size and fitness levels.
The contest will take place home and away like a football match, in their respective national stadiums. This is how the contest will be played out.
1000 men from each side will assemble on opposite ends of the stadium’s arena. Between then in the centre of the field would be a pile of 2000 parangs, knives, spears and other assortment of non firearms.
At the blow of a whistle, both sides are to rush to the centre and pick up what they can and fight for their lives. It must be a fight until there’s no one standing from the opposing side. I ask you. What do you think will be the outcome?
Whatever it is, I think F15s, F16s, stealth corvettes and leopard tanks are just a terrible waste of tax payers’ money.
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