The black uniform cambodian soldier, what's that black thing stripped on him?? His large penis??
yah extension of his penis to kill you from 2 KM away and u wun even heard the sound of his penis squirting.
he is a sniper and his weapon is lethal in case u dunno haha
TS is right on one point, the picture that shows a multi - rocket is very powerful, a salvo of rockets can wipe out many tanks and troops.
Cambodians may not that have many to be a threat to the Thais.
Anyway, the Thai Army and PAD are backside itchy to play the nationalistic card to gain support, they are doom from the start. The Cambodians are not easy meat, they have fought wars longer than anyone. Thais has not seen battle since WW2.
Anyway, the Thai Army and PAD are backside itchy to play the nationalistic card to gain support, they are doom from the start. The Cambodians are not easy meat, they have fought wars longer than anyone. Thais has not seen battle since WW2.
I don't think Thais have seen any real action in WW2. Thais haven't seen any real action since their medieval wars with Burma. Thais are only slightly better than Malaysians. Malaysians lost Malacca to the Portugese and since then haven't stood up to any real action. To British colonists and Japanese invaders, it was you come, you see, you like, you take. Thais are better in the sense that they could bluff off the Brits and Japs from colonisation and invasion. In the real armed confrontation, yet to be seen.
chee bye thai yellow confiscated business own by singapore right.
now is the time to kick them, sell arms to cambodian secretly.
let the thai have it.
ha ha ha.
The guy in black is a member of the 911 para commandoes, and he probably has a QBZ 97 Bullpup in the bag.Not looking like a sniper rifle to me, it is mostly a stock-folded version of Kalashnikov just alike the one piece carried by the other soldier on the extreme left of the picture.
This guy wear night camouflage, got different mission profile apart from the other soldiers. He got pistol and got black face-mask/hood under his helmet, got goggles and his rifle is kept in the black zipped bag. That means he is not required to have rifle ready for shooting anytime. He hide and protect his rifle.
I estimate his specialty is to sneak into enemy position over in Thai side especially at night, either to spy, take photo, plot map, sabotage, abduct commander, direct artillery fire or something like that. His duty require him NOT to shoot unless his mission already failed (exposed) and had to save him own ass! I see that he is equipped to conceal himself at night, I think he don't even want his rifle to knock or make noise as he craw into Thai army position! He sneak like a snake, I bet you. He will only pull out rifle to shoot his way out to safety if the Thais discovered him.
Usually a sniper rifle is not butt-stock folded.
His duty is not one to even shoot and kill silently, otherwise he would have a crossbow or silencer not that stock-folded rifle.
So if you caught an enemy equipped like that you interrogate his mission, you got to have a rough idea, don't let him shit and smoke you!![]()
Don't like that leh I working here please no trouble leh.
their soldiers even have elbow guards, better than SAF, SAF soldiers drop the spectacles cannot fight liao.
I think Singapore and ROC are the only two countries in the world where I've seen combat personnels wearing spectacles in full combat gears.