You guys should look into SDP's plan for CPF reform.
Among all the opposition parties, SDP appears to have the best fair plan on reforming CPF and its shenanigans!
For a start, I agree that Medisave should be scrapped and the money be returned to members and the govt to inject public funds into healthcare. Listen, our govt is VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY RICH!!! This is because over the years, it has been using our CPF money to invest through GIC and TH and made a lot of money each year but only pay a paltry 2.5% to 4% to our CPF and put in all sorts of strange conditions and worse than that, it has successfully allowed CPF funds to be used for HDB mortgage loans and then from HDB side, include in land costs and other synthetic costs that caused HDB prices to sky-rocket until the notion that HDB is subsidised housing is totally a farce now, yet all the conditions of own a HDB lease are still there and draconian in nature.
All these policies, on hindsight, is pure evil to say the least. The population is put into a boiling pot like frogs and slowly the heat is turned up and the frogs boiled to death without feeling the heat until it is already too late to jump out of the pot. It's this psyops conditioning that I'm against. You're held ransom to the fickle policy changes and thrown off-balanced. You can't plan ahead for even if you subscribe to their policies and kwai kwai go along, you could also be making the most horrifically wrong decision of your life and your family and loved ones.
Pure selfish evil, that's how I see it!