Baby boomer were given A One Time "Pioneer Card" last year!! Age above 65 years old!
Pioneer card were basically taken for a ride, u visit Polyclinic and were give hefty subsidy
like 50 to 70% subsidies but they were all inflated and than give u subsidy, u think we all
primary school kids?? Cholesterol medicine were billed net price than billed to Medisave,
example $134.00 for 6 months, No Subsidy! but why?? we want an answer from Botak!
Please be genuine and sincere if you really want to give Pioneer a subsidy!!
Now our CPF were sucked dry by the board and 55years were raised to 65yrs old by than most
would have been very sick, handicap, inactive or up on the lorry!!!
Erection & Voting year is ahead and gahmen say they are giving $600.00 to old folks and GST refund etc
just to buy votes! but the billion dollar CPF money still stuck there!!!