Re: Brit Royals Do It Right, Show The World The Responsible Way To Travel Through Ind
I don't know about the Prince and his habits, but being in the public eye, his privacy he doesn't have. I think there are many westerners who visit India for the drugs (the Beatles, definitely got high while there). They go to Katmandu for the Hash and Ganja. Opium (or rather heroin), they can get at home from the local dealer. Quite cheaply nowadays too!
BTW, the Dynastic system of governance in China was ended by internal revolutions, spearheaded by the founder of modern China, Sun Yat-Sen. The old medieval system was outdated, the emperor was living in ignorance, and China needed something new, a parliament of something that can manage a huge country, not an emperor, isolated and secluded in a walled city, not knowing what is happening in his city, let alone the rest of the world! What would China be if the Dynastic system carried on till today? - Nothing!!! With the collapse of the Qing, new institutions were introduced, women received education, men were opened to the world of science, commerce, arts, world affairs. The change was good for China, and none of these would have happened if there weren't these changes! China, whilst still catching today, speaks to other world powers on equal terms. not as a backward nation. One (two, or three) generations were sacrificed, but that i suppose is the price to pay. Move on, China is now a space-faring nation, a modern economy, with an enlightened public, and leadership. New and modern things are happening in that nation. Forget about the Dyanstic empires of China, they are history.
This prince, the descendant of their British Empire, drug traffickers, should lead his race to apologize to India and China for illegal trading in illegal substances, opium.
Deal with their criminal past and apologize. He is a prince, and British still have monarchy? What about China monarchy, Qing dynasty, was destroyed by his grandmother forefathers. What has he to say about his forefathers criminal past destroyed many great nations with monachy system.
Shame on him to visit India and China as a prince of British monarchy, criminal drug trafficker empire, and destroyed other nations monarchy system........................