Mdm Tang, can you put some para or not? like that hard to read leh.......
The Straits Times
www.straitstimes.comPublished on Jun 26, 2012
City Harvest's Crossover Project lies at heart of CoC inquiry
At the centre of the inquiry by the Commisioner of Charities is the City Harvest Church's Crossover Project and the misrepresentation on the use of the charity's fund.
The project was set up in 2002 purportedly to use Sun Ho's secular music to connect with people and reach out to non-Christians.
By 2003, it drew flak, with an individual alleged in the media that the Charity was funding Sun Ho's music career. Although he apologised later and retracted his allegations, the church had stated that they had not funded her music career.
However, unknown to the executive members of the board, the church's funds were used to run the project, said the CoC. At least $23 million was used over three years, the CoC said.
Funds from the church were diverted to finance the project under the guise of donations to its affliated church in Kuala Lumpur between December 2007 and May 2010.
The church - City Harvest Church Kuala Lumpur - then transmitted the monies to support the project in the United States (US).
Donations and tithes to the church were also transferred into a private fund known as the Multi-Purpose Account used to fund the project. Between April 2007 and March 2010, the funds used for purported expenditures of pastor Kong and his wife amounted to approximately $600,000 and $3 million respectively.
Pastor Kong's company sold over $3 million worth of merchandise to the church, but did not disclose his interests. Although he refunded the royalties, amounting to about $770,000, he was reimbursed for them from church funds.