.by City Harvest Church (Official) on Tuesday, June 26, 2012 at 8:57pm ·.Dear Church Family,
This morning, Pastor Kong Hee, Pastor Tan Ye Peng, John Lam, Chew Eng Han and Sharon Tan were informed to attend court tomorrow.There is no case that is being brought against the Church. The CHC Advisory Committee, comprising Dr Phil Pringle, founder and Senior Minister of Christian City Church in Sydney and Dr A R Bernard, founder and CEO of Christian Cultural Centre in New York, will continue to provide spiritual leadership. Both pastors were appointed advisory senior pastors over CHC. The Church Management Board continues to provide guidance on the running of the church. Church operations and cell group meetings will continue as usual, including all weekend services at Singapore Expo and Jurong West. In the meantime, do keep the church, our pastors, leaders and their families in prayer.
Yours faithfully,
Rev Aries Zulkarnain
Executive Pastor
City Harvest Church