For all the bitterness and sweetness experienced by Singaporeans with the passing of our national day, may I contribute my piece, be it crude or amateurish, for laughter or for self-reflection, for someone's gold or someone shit, I shamelessly share with you my piece. :o
(No copyright applied and can modify as one wishes if ones see gold in it and want to convert it into other forms but as for myself it is of shit-value to me.

You, the citizens of Asia
You, the citizens of the world
Together, you have come here and occupied our overcrowded island,
Public transports and breathing space in hawkers centers and shopping centers.
You came in doves at the open arms of our Government labour policy,
Which is based on talents and cheaper-ness, irregardless of nationality and citizenship.
You came to build your fortune and sent it home to support your families and your home country's economy.
The government of Singapore is "upright" and gracious;
It treats the labours of all nationalities with equality and no bias to its own nationality.
The government of Singapore is of world class standard and deserving of the highest remunerations.
The people of the Asia and the world,
Do not have to worry about paying the astronomical remuneration for them.
Because the citizens of Singapore are self-sacrificing;
We will foot the bill for our own elite Government remunerations
Even at the expense of our own oversupply-depressed remunerations,
And we will never shiver at the threat of being replaced by other cheaper and talented workers of other nationalities
Even if they are not as talented as purported by our Government and employers of Singapore companies.
For the workers of the world are deserving of our pity,
As they had been forsaken by their own governments,
Who are unable to provide them with enough jobs and sufficient remunerations to feed their own families.
We the citizens of Singapore, pledge ourselves as one united people,
Together we will support the workers of the Asia and the world,
Be it the fortune seekers or the forsaken ones.
We the citizens of Singapore, workers or the unemployed
Have great forbearance in us and will fully give our support to our Government, elections after elections,
For the great vision and cause that our Government have painted for us.
Together, we the citizens of Singapore
Will wait with patience, tolerance and harmony,
For the day that we shall be delivered.