It would be a good time for everyone to read about the history of spanish flu :
This was in the days when medical technology was far less sophisticated but despite the fact the deadly variety of Spanish flu started in the fall of 1918 and by summer the epidemic had burned itself out... that's a little more than six months.
The governments of the time tried all the same arsenal of tricks but it did not make much difference.
So let's assume that this coronavirus is as virulent as the spanish flu was if it follows the same pattern of transmission by the summer/autumn of 2020 it will be done and dusted even if we do nothing!
However if we keep trying to halt its transmission all that will happen is that it will take longer to spread and will hang around disrupting the economy for a much longer period of time.
Let's bite the bullet and get it over and done with. Sometimes short, sharp pain is better than long term suffering. Those who want to lock themselves in their pigeon holes can go ahead. In the meantime there are others out there who just want to get on with lives.
We always face the possibility of death in our daily lives. Road accidents, heart attack, tree falls on you, electrocuted when charging your phone, tripped over your dog, stabbed by gangster wannabes at Orchard towers, run down by a rogue PMD rider etc etc. The list is endless. We can't just hide in a cave. Life is meant to be lived to the fullest as we only have one and we never know when it will come to an end virus or no virus.