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Listen to what Charlie Munger (Warren Buffet's business partner) has to say about LKY.
Tell me what are their cruise missiles? Otherwise u are just another fucktard making comments about military hardware u know nothing about.
Listen to what Charlie Munger (Warren Buffet's business partner) has to say about LKY.
Hahahaha, u are hilarious. Just because u got flushing toilet and a paved road, makes Old Fart a great guy? The British already started on many reforms, like for example SIT, the precursor to HDB. And they already allowed the formation of a Legislative Council where people can vote for their candidates. If u want to see what S'pore could have been under the British, look at HKG before the handover in 1997. They were a vibrant economy, one of the 5 tigers, very busy port and very busy airport. Lots of manufacturing, banking centre, etc. How the fuck did the British colonial govt achieve all this in HKG? After all they have to hand the whole place back to china in 1997. They couldn't be bothered to spend one red cent on HKG. How they did it was they allowed self governance , Namely, the HKG people elected members to their Legislative Council (Legco), and this council with a strong and impartial civil service (left by the British) ran HKG. Look at their new airport at Chep Lap Kok. This opened in 1998, the year after the British left. The engineering studies started before 1981 on this airport and construction ended and it opened in 1998. This is one of the best airports in the world, and for most of its conception and construction time, it was under a British Colony. This is just one example of what can be achieved under as a british colony.The British colonial administration let the HKG people run their own city, and the British provided an impartial judicial system and civil service to the colony. Something which Old Fart took away.
How does this relate to Singapore? If we were still a British colony, some asshole like Old Fart would not have been able to get away with suppressing personal liberties, suing oppo members and jailing them, etc. Because a judicial system overseen by the Brits would not have allowed it. Maybe Old Fart would still have been elected. Maybe it would have been David Marshall that would have been elected. Maybe some one else. In any case, Old Fart and the PAP would not have been able to get away with the power grab, sheer corruption, and weaponizing of the civil service and judicial system against the oppo and the citizens of singapore.
And by the way, the 1959 elections were not a clean sweep by the asshole Old Fart. Lim Yew Hock's party won 4 seats and UMNO won 3. Maybe u need to wake up your ideas before u ask what the British have done for you.
U need to stop re-writing history with your sorry statements. First, its the PAP clean sweep in the 1959 election, which was a myth. And it was not a landslide as the PAP won only 54% of the popular vote in 1959. If the PAP wins the next election by only 54% of the vote, no one would be calling it a landslide regardless of how many seats they get.The freaking coward British ran away from S'pore for India & Australia when the Japs invaded S'pore in 1942.
Correction: Not a clean sweep 1959 GE victory, but a landslide.
Who is the enemy ?Dismantle or suspense SAF break up now until case is over... enemy may take this opportunity to storm in to seize Singapore....
May I add.... Sin city and a lawlessness society....Hahahaha, u are hilarious. Just because u got flushing toilet and a paved road, makes Old Fart a great guy? The British already started on many reforms, like for example SIT, the precursor to HDB. And they already allowed the formation of a Legislative Council where people can vote for their candidates. If u want to see what S'pore could have been under the British, look at HKG before the handover in 1997. They were a vibrant economy, one of the 5 tigers, very busy port and very busy airport. Lots of manufacturing, banking centre, etc. How the fuck did the British colonial govt achieve all this in HKG? After all they have to hand the whole place back to china in 1997. They couldn't be bothered to spend one red cent on HKG. How they did it was they allowed self governance , Namely, the HKG people elected members to their Legislative Council (Legco), and this council with a strong and impartial civil service (left by the British) ran HKG. Look at their new airport at Chep Lap Kok. This opened in 1998, the year after the British left. The engineering studies started before 1981 on this airport and construction ended and it opened in 1998. This is one of the best airports in the world, and for most of its conception and construction time, it was under a British Colony. This is just one example of what can be achieved under as a british colony.The British colonial administration let the HKG people run their own city, and the British provided an impartial judicial system and civil service to the colony. Something which Old Fart took away.
How does this relate to Singapore? If we were still a British colony, some asshole like Old Fart would not have been able to get away with suppressing personal liberties, suing oppo members and jailing them, etc. Because a judicial system overseen by the Brits would not have allowed it. Maybe Old Fart would still have been elected. Maybe it would have been David Marshall that would have been elected. Maybe some one else. In any case, Old Fart and the PAP would not have been able to get away with the power grab, sheer corruption, and weaponizing of the civil service and judicial system against the oppo and the citizens of singapore.
And by the way, the 1959 elections were not a clean sweep by the asshole Old Fart. Lim Yew Hock's party won 4 seats and UMNO won 3. Maybe u need to wake up your ideas before u ask what the British have done for you.
This enemy is a classification of different types of enemies, categorical speaking...Who is the enemy ?
U need to stop re-writing history with your sorry statements. First, its the PAP clean sweep in the 1959 election, which was a myth. And it was not a landslide as the PAP won only 54% of the popular vote in 1959. If the PAP wins the next election by only 54% of the vote, no one would be calling it a landslide regardless of how many seats they get.
As for the British running away from Singapore, when the Japs invaded. Once again, you are trying to re-write history. 130000 British prisoners of war were captured. In fact, they entire force used to defend malaya and singapore. I hardly call that running away, when they are POWs imprisoned in Changi or send to work on the death railway.
And here is another little fact that you seem to ignore. The Japanese were a military superpower at the start of WW2 in Asia. They launched almost simultaneous attacks on the colonies of big European powers and the US and defeated them. They attacked the British in HKG and Malaya, the French in Indochina, the US in the Philippines, and the Dutch in Indonesia. These 4 powers combined, could not defeat Japan. U expect the Brits to do so on their own?
Nothing wrong with my english. Something wrong with your thought process. PAP only won 54% of the popular vote. Which means, since u don't seem to understand this, the people narrowly voted for them. If this was proportional representation, it would not be a "landslide". Because we are first past the post, they got lucky and won that many seats.You need to go and polish up your English!
The next Legislative Assembly general election held on 30 May 1959 launched Singapore as a fully self-governing state.
It was held under the 1958 State of Singapore Constitution that replaced the Rendel Constitution.
The PAP contested seats in all 51 constituencies against 12 other political parties.
As voting was made compulsory, more than 89 percent of voters (524,420) turned up to cast their votes.
The PAP eventually achieved a landslide victory winning a majority of 43 seats in the Legislative Assembly.
The other seats went to the Singapore People’s Alliance (four seats), the UMNO-MCA (three seats) and an independent candidate.
This election paved the way for Lee Kuan Yew, then secretary-general of the PAP, to become the first prime minister of Singapore.
Hey loser angmoh.... fuck off... 无聊先生... lose your argument and attack under the belt..... grammar..You need to go and polish up your English!
The next Legislative Assembly general election held on 30 May 1959 launched Singapore as a fully self-governing state.
It was held under the 1958 State of Singapore Constitution that replaced the Rendel Constitution.
The PAP contested seats in all 51 constituencies against 12 other political parties.
As voting was made compulsory, more than 89 percent of voters (524,420) turned up to cast their votes.
The PAP eventually achieved a landslide victory winning a majority of 43 seats in the Legislative Assembly.
The other seats went to the Singapore People’s Alliance (four seats), the UMNO-MCA (three seats) and an independent candidate.
This election paved the way for Lee Kuan Yew, then secretary-general of the PAP, to become the first prime minister of Singapore.
Nothing wrong with my english. Something wrong with your thought process. PAP only won 54% of the popular vote. Which means, since u don't seem to understand this, the people narrowly voted for them. If this was proportional representation, it would not be a "landslide". Because we are first past the post, they got lucky and won that many seats.
Hey loser angmoh.... fuck off... 无聊先生... lose your argument and attack under the belt..... grammar..
Follow my thread.... no English bs for you to attack grammar positioning words with ..... dot dot dot and ...
I auto dump your shit nusiance annoying language with ....
even data science AI NLP dump all your shit nuisance and annoying grammar positioning words .... is are was were the a ... into a bag.... a bag of words.... dumbwit...
Ai is going to replace English language to multi language coding... soon..
Clone @Devil Within ... fake angmoh name... want to feel atas siboh.... booo... fake angmoh exposed... want Merl- jitkeelan...I fuck your mother and wife ccb and if you have a dotter lagi best! After I fuck them, you and your whole family can go hum kar chan!
Clone @Devil Within ... fake angmoh name... want to feel atas siboh.... booo... fake angmoh exposed... want Merl- jitkeelan...
Go fuck yrslf... leave you mother to me to fuck her...
Merl-jikeelan @Merl Haggard ...
@A Singaporean .... another fake sinkie wanna be angmoh... put him on your list..
Grammarly positioning wrong... thrown back...PAP gained 54% because they were fighting against 12 opposition parties.
And don't forget that PAP was an opposition party to winning majority in parliament.
If this wasn't a landslide victory then I don't know what is?