Dear Gin, in case you do not already know....Krafty is the resident idiot here.....and I assume every other place he goes....
And you know what they say about arguing with idiots.
Tat krafty driving taxi still got time to surf SBF. Hmm...
Dear Gin, in case you do not already know....Krafty is the resident idiot here.....and I assume every other place he goes....
And you know what they say about arguing with idiots.
Tat krafty driving taxi still got time to surf SBF. Hmm...
Third-person video of Amos begging for help. Doesn't look so tough and smart now.
Has Human Rights Watch arrived to rescue him yet?
Nobody will rescue Amos. Like all opposition cocksuckers, Amos Yee suffers from delusions of grandeur. He really thinks from his Youtube views, he is some sort of superstar with hordes of fans. The reality is most sinkies feel sorry for his parents for having a mad son.
Third-person video of Amos begging for help. Doesn't look so tough and smart now.
Nobody will rescue Amos. Like all opposition cocksuckers, Amos Yee suffers from delusions of grandeur. He really thinks from his Youtube views, he is some sort of superstar with hordes of fans. The reality is most sinkies feel sorry for his parents for having a mad son.
Nobody will rescue Amos. Like all opposition cocksuckers, Amos Yee suffers from delusions of grandeur. He really thinks from his Youtube views, he is some sort of superstar with hordes of fans. The reality is most sinkies feel sorry for his parents for having a mad son.
Someone here forgot to take their meds for bipolar disorder. Got trolled big time and went over the edge.
Dear Gin, in case you do not already know....Krafty is the resident idiot here.....and I assume every other place he goes....
And you know what they say about arguing with idiots.
Look like staged leh.
Poodles have video to arrest the attacker. Why poodles do nothing? Because this assault was endorsed by the PAP?
Look like staged leh.
wahahhah... damn good actor...if they are really at a fight, the "help me help me" will not be there.. That is just a show. Little kids playing. knn
Because that is Amos, so it is news.. i take my hats off Amos!!!