No stiff competition in the school for our children ... but she acknowledged that current job opportunities are already being usurped by the cheaper foreign labour brigade.
So, isn't she another one of those who wants her cake & eat it too?
This writer gets to sleep with her?
Perhaps the other Sillyporeans are quietly finding ways to score the winning goals for their next generation, instead of complaining about the size of the goalposts, the length of the grass, the colour of the corner flags, etc.
Anyway, what did she think her blind courage was ever gonna achieve ... for this country to nolstalgically revert to third world status? Face it ... she could easily migrate to any neighbouring country to achieve that & more significantly, there are more enough willing takers to replace her as another more patriotic citizen. :rolleyes:
I want as many ladies in here as possible. Lamei is an excellent contributor. I hope more of the fairer sex will join her here.
say, if u can, which ways would u do to fix all the whiches clones??
don't give me another infarction. INBOX exploding!!
I think that perhaps Lamei misses Goh Meng Seng's arguments.![]()
<br /><br />would u be able to differentiate which clones belong to which? and how many the whiches come fr a single which??<br />say, if u can, which ways would u do to fix all the whiches clones??<br />don't give me another infarction. INBOX exploding!!
And the role of a mother is to look after her children.
(My opinion only)
I was getting worried when you signed up for an account but had yet to post anything since the forum moved here. :p
Welcome back. We missed you.![]()
I want as many ladies in here as possible. Lamei is an excellent contributor. I hope more of the fairer sex will join her here.
I think that perhaps Lamei misses Goh Meng Seng's arguments.![]()
oh yes,sister la mei...
hope to see you post something again soon.
You must be kidding D A R L I N G!!!!!
(oh no..the D word..someone gonna jump up and down again..haha)
I happen to have a blog too..
Singapore belongs to Singaporeans and not imported foreigners..
<br /><br />
mental-illness and paranoia are talking a toll on you ;9(
unless you seek professional help quickly your schizophrenic views of others will not go away.