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BOYCOTT these F&B outlets that serve INSECTS and lab-grown fake meats and plant based products! TOXIC !


bump up this thread again. I was thinking of having this list and sure someone done it. I will sure boycott these eateries.

Starbucks is very GMOed. i ever saw the syrup ingredient on one of the bottle in Starbucks and it has sugar beet ( genetically modified) on its sticker list on the bottle. That is why i very seldom drink at Starbucks but i enjoy the cakes.

come to think of it, did they use GMO sugar beet on its cake too. oh gosh..
People should boycott everything that were created by the Jews (Starbuck, MacDonald, Coca Cola and many more) because they have no interest for your wellbeing but have every intention to poison the gentiles just like the vaccines



My official eatery to boycott, Tom's Plaette ice cream.. Sinkie brand.