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BOYCOTT these F&B outlets that serve INSECTS and lab-grown fake meats and plant based products! TOXIC !


Dear Friends,

Please circulate this widely and get everyone to BOYCOTT these F&B outlets that serve INSECTS and lab-grown fake meats and plant based products! TOXIC !

Please add more to the list when you find them out !


Someone complied this.

- Adda (plant?-based)
- Brewerkz (Impossible pork, NewBrew beer)
- Da Paolo Gastronomia (Impossible pork)
- Dumpling Darlings Amoy Street and Circular Road (Impossible pork)
- Eat Just (fake meat)
- Empress (Impossible pork)
- Fura Bar (insect in food/drinks)
- House of Seafood (Insects in food)
- Huber's Bistro @ Dempsey (fake meat)
- Imperial Treasure @ Holland V (fake meat)
- JW Marriott Singapore South Beach’s renowned Cantonese restaurant, Madame Fan (fake meat)
- JW Marriott (Impossible pork)
- Keng Eng Kee Seafood (Impossible pork)
- Levant (plant?-based)
- Loo's Hainanese Curry Rice (fake meat)
- Mallow pop-up bar (plant?-based)
- Moonbow Dempsey (Impossible pork)
- Mrs Pho (Impossible pork)
- NewBrew beer (recycled sewage water)
- Pete’s Place (Impossible pork)
- Privé (Impossible pork)
- PS.Cafe (Impossible pork)
- Starbucks (GMO)
- Swensen's (Impossible Burger - fake meat)
- Tanuki Raw (Impossible pork)
- The Goodburger (fake meat)
- Three Buns (Impossible pork)
- 28 HongKong Street (plant?-based)


Alfrescian (Inf)
Better to go after those who incentivized them to add that crap to the menu. These restaurants don't do that for free. :wink:


bump up this thread again. I was thinking of having this list and sure someone done it. I will sure boycott these eateries.

Starbucks is very GMOed. i ever saw the syrup ingredient on one of the bottle in Starbucks and it has sugar beet ( genetically modified) on its sticker list on the bottle. That is why i very seldom drink at Starbucks but i enjoy the cakes.

come to think of it, did they use GMO sugar beet on its cake too. oh gosh..


Fuck the F&B industry here, even Malaysia does NOT hire Ah Tiongs to cook food!
Fuck PAP and their dogs they want Singapore to eat shit quality food so we can go back to 3rd world faster



Other brands to boycott.

Fluorescent nanoparticles found in coke. It's not an accident.

These monsters should be behind bars.





Replicon Vax : Once inside the body, it self-replicates within cells.

Meiji Seika Pharma Co., Ltd. has approved a replicon vaccine that self-replicates spike mRNA within cells. This self-replicating vaccine can be used with a small amount of mRNA, and it is said that it is possible to produce enough for the entire Japanese population in a short period of time.

It is predicted that the replicon vaccine may amplify the tragic drug damage more than the Wuhan mRNA vaccine, and those who have not been vaccinated will suffer more damage than ever before.

The Japanese government is planning to administer the first replicon vaccine that has not been tested on animals to Japanese citizens. It is said that if the inserted gene is slightly changed, it can become a biological weapon.

There is a high risk of it being put into food, so BOYCOTT and Never Buy Meiji Seika products!!
