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Biz opportunity - refinance your cpf@55


say you have your cpf locked till 62, 63 and 65 and still has to keep topping up, and also to your mortgage HDB.

If property is going to double in 10 years, good biz opportunity start refinance biz using your cpf money as collateral.

a back to back refinancing .... ummh sounds good? CPF Ah Loong.
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
say you have your cpf locked till 62, 63 and 65 and still has to keep topping up, and also to your mortgage HDB.

If property is going to double in 10 years, good biz opportunity start refinance biz using your cpf money as collateral.

a back to back refinancing .... ummh sounds good? CPF Ah Loong.

How to refinance HDB? You mean draw equity for your flat?

HDB flats not allowed to do so.

You must be living in a private property.