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Billionaire Peter Lim assembled Singapore dream team:Abbas Saad, Alistair, Fandi, Sundram, Jangjung



Peter Lim paid and sponsor them !!!

Bad New Brown

Badly deteriorated since the 90s. Those days sinkie football at least generated some excitement

I liked the old National Stadium but not the Sport Hub now.

Every weekend we went to the National Stadium to watch the Semi-Pro League and Malaysia Cup in the early 90s

Below the stadium there were 2 snooker salon and one of them is called Mechmaster :biggrin:


Singapore did produce very good people :thumbsup: and not as lousy as some assholes that criticized us.

We have our own hidden strength and that is not visible to these silly :devilish:
Must criticize local pampered, mediocre, expensive & timid, then can make budget, Spend money, imported talent....

Bad New Brown

old stadium got the home feel & the kachang puteh man :biggrin:

Back in the 90s we are happier and more enjoyable as the old stadium did not these lowly security guards :devilish: staring at you. Foods were much cheaper back then.

Last year I went to Sport Hub watched Singapore vs Guam match and the atmosphere is totally not enjoyable at all. One small beer cost $12

Old days we played football on natural grass and now people played on artificial pitch :thumbsdown:

Bad New Brown

Must criticize local pampered, mediocre, expensive & timid, then can make budget, Spend money, imported talent....

They think all Singaporeans are so stupid meh at very minimum the locals did make the cabinet ministers lost their jobs :biggrin:

The GRC system is not perfect either :rolleyes: