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Better than EV - TOYOTA MIRAI 2023 HYDROGEN Combustion Engine

syed putra

You lose about 50% of energy just to make this car move unless it uses blue hydrogen from carbon energy sources and carbon capture technology. You lose 25% just creating hydrogen using electolysers from green or other energy sources currently.
BMW did this decades ago but to manufacture and store and transport hydrogen is very difficult.
Batteries on the other hand is about 95% efficient in storing energy.


Alfrescian (Inf)
All electric cars do is enrich China which mines most of the lithium to make those batteries. :rolleyes:

And for those of you brainwashed anti-carbon cult members who sincerely believe in 'green' methods of transport... riddle me this, when recharging an electric car, where does that electricity come from? :rolleyes:


Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)

It will fail.
The cost of the new installation and safety maintenance of H2 storage station, transportation cost and production of H2 and compressing it into a liquid state is not cheap.

Battery-wise, the creation of electricity can come in many forms. It can be by petrol, coal, sun, wind or nuclear power station. With the continuation of improved battery technology, it will become safer, cheaper, and longer lasting. However, that cannot be said of H2 compressed liquid state.


It will fail.
The cost of the new installation and safety maintenance of H2 storage station, transportation cost and production of H2 and compressing it into a liquid state is not cheap.

Battery-wise, the creation of electricity can come in many forms. It can be by petrol, coal, sun, wind or nuclear power station. With the continuation of improved battery technology, it will become safer, cheaper, and longer lasting. However, that cannot be said of H2 compressed liquid state.
That is why hydrogen is a dud..

Byebye Penis

It will fail.
The cost of the new installation and safety maintenance of H2 storage station, transportation cost and production of H2 and compressing it into a liquid state is not cheap.

Battery-wise, the creation of electricity can come in many forms. It can be by petrol, coal, sun, wind or nuclear power station. With the continuation of improved battery technology, it will become safer, cheaper, and longer lasting. However, that cannot be said of H2 compressed liquid state.
Let's say when i ramp the engine to speed up, will a powerful large battery cause strong EMF and affect implants like pacemakers or cause heart attacks?

Byebye Penis

Not really. It may work on planes. Its still used as rocket fuel. And converting it to ammonia or methanol may be used on ships.
Hydrogen is already tested on planes. For the same plane, the mileage is only 1/3 of jet fuels, so they can't fly full-load too far.


Alfrescian (Inf)
i’m seeing this beautiful compact suv more often now in sillycon valley. looks like a 2018 porsche macan in the rear. msrp $69k.




Alfrescian (Inf)
Why isn't this guy murdered? Keanu Reeves worked out the formula for creating energy with hydrogen and people are after him. :laugh:
