I was headhunted for a job in Singapore and since this job looks interesting, I just went along and got to speak to the regional heads for the second interview.
Halfway through the interview (or you might say - drilling), one question suddenly popped up in my mind. I asked myself "What the fark do I still need to go through all these esp at my age?". I had no mood to go thru it anymore and just wanted to end it asap. I'm just totally fed up, not with interviewers but with how things are going. I'm fed up with being an employee and having to kiss assess or probably even have to beg for a job when I'm over 40yo (unofficial max employment age in Singapore) - just like what happened to my ex-boss when he was retrenched after working for 30 years in the organisation.
The situation gets worst with the influx of cheap alien trash. Salaries are now a joke and you don't need to worry about inflation because you will never be able to catch up with it looking at how things are heading nowadays. Retirement seems to be a legend that exist only during our great grandfathers time.
Bosses are more greedy and demanding than ever. They want you to do a thousand things (in the name of innovation and keeping up with the competition) just so they can get their next promotion asap. You are being judged everyday by so many people and one wrong step could totally destroy your career so it really doesn't matter how God will judge you in the end since you will probably be way dead just before you reach heaven. Burning out is a really cool thing to say nowadays because it shows that you are still employed and is very very busy (which equates to being very successful).
One uncle told me that being an employee is better than being an entrepeuneur as "you don't need to risk losng all your capital". Well maybe..........but I serously think now that it is more difficult, more demanding and even more risky nowadays being an employee than an entrepeuneur. Being an employee nowadays, you need to be a good manager/coach, an analyst, a risk taker, an innovator, a juggler (between work and family etc), a forecaster, a networker, an ass kisser..............the list goes on and at the end of the day, how many peanuts you will get at the end of the month is dependant on whether your how much your bossess like your monkey face.
Being an employee could even kill you. I seriously think that stresses that we face everyday as an employee is one of the major cause of cancer. And if you have a major illness, your company will be more than happy to organise a little retirement ceremony for you.
So isn't being an employee nowadays is more siong, demanding, risky and hazardous than being an entrepeuneur?
Halfway through the interview (or you might say - drilling), one question suddenly popped up in my mind. I asked myself "What the fark do I still need to go through all these esp at my age?". I had no mood to go thru it anymore and just wanted to end it asap. I'm just totally fed up, not with interviewers but with how things are going. I'm fed up with being an employee and having to kiss assess or probably even have to beg for a job when I'm over 40yo (unofficial max employment age in Singapore) - just like what happened to my ex-boss when he was retrenched after working for 30 years in the organisation.
The situation gets worst with the influx of cheap alien trash. Salaries are now a joke and you don't need to worry about inflation because you will never be able to catch up with it looking at how things are heading nowadays. Retirement seems to be a legend that exist only during our great grandfathers time.
Bosses are more greedy and demanding than ever. They want you to do a thousand things (in the name of innovation and keeping up with the competition) just so they can get their next promotion asap. You are being judged everyday by so many people and one wrong step could totally destroy your career so it really doesn't matter how God will judge you in the end since you will probably be way dead just before you reach heaven. Burning out is a really cool thing to say nowadays because it shows that you are still employed and is very very busy (which equates to being very successful).
One uncle told me that being an employee is better than being an entrepeuneur as "you don't need to risk losng all your capital". Well maybe..........but I serously think now that it is more difficult, more demanding and even more risky nowadays being an employee than an entrepeuneur. Being an employee nowadays, you need to be a good manager/coach, an analyst, a risk taker, an innovator, a juggler (between work and family etc), a forecaster, a networker, an ass kisser..............the list goes on and at the end of the day, how many peanuts you will get at the end of the month is dependant on whether your how much your bossess like your monkey face.
Being an employee could even kill you. I seriously think that stresses that we face everyday as an employee is one of the major cause of cancer. And if you have a major illness, your company will be more than happy to organise a little retirement ceremony for you.
So isn't being an employee nowadays is more siong, demanding, risky and hazardous than being an entrepeuneur?