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BBC Hard Talk - Stefanie Green: The ethics of assisted dying

Byebye Penis

I received this on my work chatgroup this morning to listen to an interview by BBC Host Stephen Sackur with Canadian Dr Stefanie Green on assisted dying advocate


Download Link:


Alfrescian (Inf)
I received this on my work chatgroup this morning to listen to an interview by BBC Host Stephen Sackur with Canadian Dr Stefanie Green on assisted dying advocate


Download Link:

totally expected that a Jew would be talking about this...............


why not? its logical...why die painfully when you can die comfortably?
the main issue for govts is...1)some assholes who choose to die can commit devious crimes and hurt others before dying, 2)productive people who gets fed up of contributing to govt coffers may want to die instead of working like an ox all their life

Byebye Penis

why not? its logical...why die painfully when you can die comfortably?
the main issue for govts is...1)some assholes who choose to die can commit devious crimes and hurt others before dying, 2)productive people who gets fed up of contributing to govt coffers may want to die instead of working like an ox all their life
As someone who works with people in healthcare, I can tell you that sometimes doctors struggle with the issue of prolonging or shortening a dying person's suffering. If you are very old, they even ask your family if they should resuscitate you if your conditions worsen. (Resuscitating you, may save your life, but you will be half-dead after coming out of ICU).

As a person who experienced the suffering and passing of family member passing right in front of their eyes, I will not object to the roles of these doctors in assisted dying.