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Banzai! Bakayaro 52yo Japs son left corpse of 80yo mom rotting foul at home said no job no $$ no funeral!! LHL or Dotard can help?

democracy my butt

80歲母陳屍家中發臭 52歲兒:失業沒錢辦葬禮
編輯 林保宏 報導
2019/10/24 16:42

日本琦玉縣前陣子發生1名80歲老婦陳屍家中的社會案件。(示意圖/TVBS) 80歲母陳屍家中發臭 52歲兒:失業沒錢辦葬禮




死者的52歲長子表示,因為自己長期失業,身上沒錢幫母親辦葬禮。(圖/翻攝自NHK) 80歲母陳屍家中發臭 52歲兒:失業沒錢辦葬禮


“No money to funeral” 52-year-old eldest son arrested on suspicion of leaving mother's body Saitama

10/24/2019, 9:39:35 AM

A 52-year-old unemployed eldest son was arrested for leaving an 80-year-old mother's body in his apartment room in Kawaguchi City, Saitama Prefecture. The police ...

"No funeral money" 52-year-old eldest son arrested on suspicion of leaving mother's body Saitama Oct 24 10:32

A 52-year-old unemployed eldest son was arrested for leaving an 80-year-old mother's body in his apartment room in Kawaguchi City, Saitama Prefecture. It is a statement to the police that “I have left without funeral money”.
Arrested was Kawaguchi City's unemployed, suspect Koizumi (52). According to police investigation, Suiko Koizumi was suspected of abandonment of the corpse for leaving the body of Takie (80) who was living with his mother in the room of his apartment in the middle of this month.

According to the police, on the 23rd, the condominium management company reported that the room had a strange odor, and when examining the room, Mr. Takie died on the futon.

There was a 45-year-old brother who was suspected by Koizumi in the room, but because he was in a state of consciousness, he was taken to the hospital for treatment.

After acknowledging the charges of the police investigation, "The mother had been in a bad condition and had stopped moving when she noticed. They also left them because they could not eat and have no funeral money." It means that you are.

The police are investigating the cause and history of death.