When I visit Singapore for business or private, if I am alone I will bunk in with mom and sleep on floor mattress. If with wife then will stay in hotel. Now a days Singapore hotel is damn expensive and small.
I do miss Singapore's food and hawker centers. That's all I miss. In fact whenever I get back to Singapore I want to come back to Bangkok quickly because Singapore pace of life is a little quick for me now and more importantly I find it boring after 3 days. In Singapore if one wants to see mountain or real sea one has to leave the country in Thailand its never boring. Great mountains, seas, islands, waterfalls, rivers, you can never get sick. Wife and I often leave Bangkok for the upcountry resorts on Fridays and get back on Sunday or Monday. So Thailand can never be boring unlike Singapore.
You mentioned got to put up with traffic and crowded sois. You may want to take a look at Singapore's own traffic now a days and crowded MRTs and haeker centers etc etc. Here in Bangkok where got crowded? And traffic jam? Use tollways la.
Ang mohs come here for many reasons and I think one of the main reasons is Thailand is considered an exotic place for them. Those who started to stay here long term probably found that life here is more relaxing compared to home. But then its important that they can find work here if not how to stay long term unless got dome money.
Ah i see. Btw let's say you decide to visit relatives or frens in sg you would then have to put up in a hotel or stay with them?
Many ppl the world over visit thailand and many ang mohs like it despite coming from 1st world countries. I suppose some of them come to thailand to run road to escape some shit back home while some prefer the lower cost of living.
Thailand for the most part is rural and even in BKK it still looks pretty rural for lack of a better word. Ppl like khun ying mentioned that were it not for the fact that it's cheaper staying in thailand he would much rather live in europe. Thailand still is a 3rd world country and 3rd world countries have their own problems.
To ppl that have stayed long term in thailand do you miss singapore? For me when i was in thailand i didn't miss sg and missed thailand when i returned home but then it's cos i have been in sg for too long. Since the majority of thailand appears to be countryside would city ppl become bored of the place? I suppose the majority of thai ppl still live a type of kampong lifestyle while ppl in 1st world countries like US, japan will be living more of a city type of life. I wonder if it's worth putting up with the traffic, the numerous ppl, the crowded sois over a long period of time in bkk.