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Bakerzin to close shop after 22 years


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
All this economic destruction because of a virus that is no worse than the flu.


If business is poor, than they must do something to revive it. What about no GST n no service charge or it absorbed all charges, people will definitely make a comeback...


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
If business is poor, than they must do something to revive it. What about no GST n no service charge or it absorbed all charges, people will definitely make a comeback...

Why don't you just suggest that they give their stuff away for free you twit.


It is a reputable brand in Singapore, I am surprised that there's no suitor to buy them over.
Who has deep pocket or enormous cash to burn?
This is pandemic time so retail or f&b is mostly affected.
Maybe you can telephone your queen from Temasek to help??


they failed to reinvent themselves to stay abreast of the hipster trends.

cafe culture has evolved quite rapidly in Singapore since the days of Olio Dome and the Coffee Club.

Starbucks has proven to be quite resilient in this respect.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I don't understand why must halal here halal there? Just don't order pork or alcohol stuff lah.. Must make life so difficult for everyone! Roll eyes!
Some religions are like Communist ideology. They will shove their beliefs down other peoples' throat and expect you to comply even though they know it is unreasonable.